Cope, D., Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2013) Analysis of difference-of-gaussians filters in terms of directly observable parameters. Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 30, 1002-1012.
Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2013). Brightness induction magnitude declines with increasing distance from the inducing field edge. Vision Research, 78, 339-345.
Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2012) When is spatial filtering enough? Investigation of brightness and lightness perception in stimuli containing a visible illumination component. Vision Research, 60, 40-50.
Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2011). Spatiotemporal analysis brightness induction. Vision Research, 51, 1872-1879. PMC3152653
McCourt, M.E. & Blakeslee, B. (2009). Brightening prospects for understanding the neural coding of perceived luminance. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 28, 95-106.
Cope, D., Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2009). Simple cell response properties imply receptive field structure: Balanced Gabor and/or bandlimited field functions. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 26(9):2067-2092. PMC3128805
Cope, D., Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2009). Simple cell response properties imply receptive field structure: Balanced Gabor and/or bandlimited field functions. Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 18(7).
Blakeslee, B., Reetz, D. & McCourt, M.E. (2009). Spatial filtering versus anchoring accounts of brightness/lightness in staircase and simultaneous brightness/lightness contrast stimuli. Journal of Vision, 9(3):22, 1-17,, doi:10.1167/ 9.3.22. PMC3136047
Blakeslee, B., Reetz, D. & McCourt, M. E. (2008) Coming to terms with lightness and brightness: Effects of stimulus configuration and instructions on brightness and lightness judgments. Journal of Vision, 8(11):3, 1-14,, doi:10.1167/8.11.3. PMC in progress
Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (2008). Nearly instantaneous brightness induction. Journal of Vision, 8(2):15, 1-8,, doi:10.1167/8.2.15. PMC in progress
Blakeslee B. & McCourt M.E. (2005) A multiscale filtering explanation of gradient and remote brightness induction effects: A reply to Logvinenko (2003). Perception, 34, 793-802. PMID16124266
Blakeslee B., Pasieka, W. & McCourt M.E. (2005) Oriented multiscale spatial filtering and contrast normalization: a parsimonious model of brightness induction in a continuum of stimuli including White, Howe and simultaneous brightness contrast. Vision Research, 45, 607-615. PMID15621178
Blakeslee B. & McCourt M.E. (2004) A unified theory of brightness contrast and assimilation incorporating oriented multiscale spatial filtering and contrast normalization. Vision Research, 44, 2483-2503. PMID15358084
Blakeslee B. & McCourt M.E. (2003) A multiscale spatial filtering account of brightness phenomena. In Harris, L. & Jenkin, M. (Eds.), Levels of Perception, Springer:New York.
Blakeslee B. & McCourt M.E. (2003) Lightness, brightness and brightness contrast: Commentaries on Todorovic, Kingdom and Gilchrist. In Harris, L. & Jenkin, M. (Eds.), Levels of Perception, Springer:New York.
Blakeslee B. & McCourt M.E. (2001) A multiscale spatial filtering account of the Wertheimer-Benary effect and the corrugated mondrian. Vision Research, 41, 2487-2502. PMID11483179
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Jacobs G.H. Tootell R.B.H. & Blakeslee B. (1979) Visual capacities of the owl monkey. (Aotus trivirgatus): Temporal contrast sensitivity. Folia Primatologica, 32, 193 199.