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March 2016

Ahmad, A., S. Parveen, J. Brożek, and D. Dey. 2016. Antennal sensilla of phytophagous and predatory pentatomids (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): a comparative study of four genera. Zoologischer Anzeiger 261:48-55. [pdf]

Aiello, A., K. Saltonstall, and V. Young. 2016. Brachyplatys vahlii (Fabricius, 1787), an introduced bug from Asia: first report in the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera: Plataspidae: Brachyplatidinae). BioInvasions Records 5(1):7-12. [pdf]

Arnold, D. C. and W. A. Drew. 1988. The Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera) of Oklahoma. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University, Technical Bulletin T–166, Norman, Oklahoma, 42 pp. [pdf]

Bergmann, E. J., P. D. Venugopal, H. M. Martinson, M. J. Raupp, and P. M. Shrewsbury. 2016. Host plant use by the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) on woody ornamental trees and shrubs. PLoS ONE 11(2):1-12. [pdf]

Byun, B-k., H-l. Han, B-w. Lee, S-y. Park, D-h. Kwon, and D-g. Jo. 2008. Insect fauna of Mt. Dogo, Chungnam Province, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 1(2):219-227. [pdf]

Byun, B-k., B-w. Lee, S-y. Park, K-m. Kim, and D-g. Jo. 2009. Insect fauna of Mt. Sudeog-san in Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 2(2):155-161. [pdf]

Byun, B-k., J-s. Lim, S-y. Park, K-m. Kim, B-w. Lee, and D-g. Jo. 2010. Insect fauna of Mt. Gittae-Bong, Samcheok, Gangwon-do. Journal of Korean Nature 3(3):139-149. [pdf]

Byun, B-k., J-s. Lim, S-y. Park, K-m. Kim, B-w. Lee, and D-g. Jo. 2010. Insect fauna of Mt. Sambong, Samcheok, Gangwon-do. Journal of Korean Nature 3(3):177-185. [pdf]

Cho, Y-b., S-j. Yoon, S-m. Yoon, J-w. Ryu, H-k. Min, and K-s. Oh. 2008. Insect fauna of Island Baekryeong-do, Incheon City, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 1(1):69-77. [pdf]

Cho, Y. J., Y. H. Lee, J. B. Oh, S. J. Suh, and D. S. Choi. 2011. Some notes on the insect fauna of Gadeok-do Island. Journal of Korean Nature 4(4):319-324. [pdf]

Dellapé, G. and P. Dellapé. 2016. A new species of Adoxoplatys Breddin (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae), Discocephalinae) from Argentina. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60:15-18. [pdf]

Dhami, M. K., M. Dsouza, D. W. Waite, D. Anderson, and D. Li. 2016. Real-time PCR assay for the identification of the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). Frontiers in Molecular Sciences 3(5):1-6. [pdf]

Drechsel, U. 2015. Recent records and host plant reports of two species of Pentatomidae from Paraguay (Heteroptera: Pentatominae). Paraguay Biodiversidad 2(2):7-11. [pdf]

Furniss, M. M. 1972. A preliminary list of insects and mites that infest some important browse plants of western big game. USDA Forest Service Research Note INT-155:1-16. [pdf]

Golec, J. R., X. P. Hu, L. Yang, and J. E. Eger. 2015. Kudzu-deprived first-generation Megacopta cribraria (F.) (Heteroptera: Plataspidae) are capable of developing on alternative legume species. J. Agric. Urban Entomol. 31:52-61. [pdf]

Göricke, P. 2014. Verschollene Wanzenarten Sachsen-Anhalts. Andrias 20:61-70. [pdf]

Göricke, P. 2015. Die Wanzen (Heteroptera) der Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide. Entomologische Mitteilungen Sachsen 2015:215-238. [pdf]

Göricke, P. 2015. Die Binnendüne Aken – Untersuchungen zur Fauna der Wanzen (Heteroptera) und Erhaltung ihrer Lebensräume. Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 52:3-27. [pdf]

Grazia, J., L. D. de Barros, and K. R. Barão. 2016. Elanela Rolston revisited (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): new distributional records and description of new species. Zootaxa 4092(4):561-571. [pdf]

Guillén, G. L., R. E. P. Torres, A. G. B. Ortiz, L. A. P. Baeza, J. A. R. Barrientos, and A. R. R. Seañez. 2016. Morfología del corion de huevos de Pachycoris klugii Burmeister y P. torridus (Scopoli), plagas de Jatropha curcas. Southwestern Entomologist 41(1):133-144. [pdf]

Hamilton, K. G. A. 1992. Lower Cretaceous Homoptera from the Koonwarra fossil bed in Australia, with a new superfamily and synopsis of Mesozoic Homoptera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 85(4):423-430. [pdf]

Heyden, T. van der. 2016. An interesting observation: A nymph feeding on an adult female of Stiretrus anchorago (Fabricius, 1775) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae). Arquivos Entomolóxicos 15:167-169. [pdf]

Jarzembowski, E. A. 1995. Early Cretaceous insect faunas and palaeoenvironment. Cretaceous Research 16:681-693. [pdf]

Jung, Sai-ho and H-s. Oh. 2012. Insect fauna of Yeongsil in Mt. Hallasan National Park (excluding Lepidoptera). Journal of Korean Nature 5(1):27-36. [pdf]

Jung, Seung-jae, C. M. Lee, and T-s. Kwon. 2013. Effects of forest roads on hemipteran diversity in Mt. Gariwang, Korea test of intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 6(2):239-248. [pdf]

Kment, P. and A. Kocorek. 2014. Afromenotes hirsuta, a new genus and species of Eumenotini from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Dinidoridae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54(1):109-131. [pdf]

Kment, P., P. Štys, and J. Vilímová. 2012. Thoracic scent efferent system and exponium of Aphylidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea), its architecture and function. European Journal of Entomology 109:267-279. [pdf]

Krauss, N. L. H. 1964. Insects associated with firebush (Myrica faya Aiton). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 18(3):405-411. [pdf]

Lavigne, R. J. 1976. Rangeland insect-plant associations on the Pawnee site. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 69(4):753-763. [pdf]

Lee, B-w., J-s. Lim, S-y. Park, and D-g. Jo. 2011. Insect fauna of Mt. Jang-san, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 4(3):173-184. [pdf]

Lee, S-h. and S-h. Jeong. 2013. National List of Species of Korea (Hemiptera I: Heteroptera). National Institute of Biological Sciences, Incheon City, 238 pp. [pdf]

Lim, H-m. and D-h. Lee. 2012. Insect fauna of Is. Ulleung-do (Prov. Gyeongsangbuk-do) in Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 5(3):243-250. [pdf]

Lim, J-s., B-w. Lee, S-y. Park, and D-g. Jo. 2011. Insect fauna of Maebongsan Mountain, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do. Journal of Korean Nature 4(4):293-307. [pdf]

Lim, J-s., S-y. Park, B-w. Lee, and D-g. Jo. 2012. The insect fauna of Bannonsan Mountain, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do. Journal of Korean Nature 5(2):155-168. [pdf]

Lim, J-s., S-y. Park, B-w. Lee, and D-g. Jo. 2012. A faunistic study of insects from Daebudo and Youngheungdo Islands in Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 5(4):311-325. [pdf]

Lucini, T. and A. R. Panizzi. 2016. Three new host plants of Edessa loxdalii (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and notes on its rearing in the laboratory. Florida Entomologist 99(1):139-141. [pdf]

Min, H-k., S-j. Yoon, S-h. Jung, J-t. Lim, J-w. Ryu, S-c. Nam, and Y-b. Cho. 2009. Insect diversity of Dadohae Marine National Park, Jeonnam Province, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 2(1):19-25. [pdf]

Moore, T. E. 1961. Audiospectrographic analysis of sounds of Hemiptera and Homoptera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 54(2):273-291. [pdf]

Park, S-j., Y-h. Cho, Y-j. Kim, Y-g. Han, H-m. Lim, S-k. Park, and E-j. Hong. 2010. Insect fauna of Is. Boleum-do (Prov. Gyeonggi-do), Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 3(1):15-24. [pdf]

Park, S-y., J-s. Lim, D-g. Jo, and B-w. Lee. 2011. Insect fauna of (Mt.) Daemisan, Gangwon Province, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 4(2):87-97. [pdf]

Parveen, S. and A. Gaur. 2015. Illustrated key to the Indian genera of Scutelleridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Indian Journal of Entomology 77(2):169-184. [pdf]

Piton, L. E. 1933. Insectes fossiles des cinérites et randannites d’Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand.

Poderosa, J. C. M., M. E. Correia-Oliveira, T. X. Chagas, J. C. Zanuncio, and G. T. Ribeiro. 2016. Effects of plant extracts on developmental stages of the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Florida Entomologist 99(1):113-116. [pdf]

Ren, D., H-z. Zhu, and Y-q. Lu. 1995. New discovery of early Cretaceous fossil insects from Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. Acta Geoscientia Sinica 4:432-438. [in Chinese; pdf]

Roh, S-j., S-b. Shin, Y-m. Shin, J-h. Song, and B-k. Byun. 2012. Insect fauna of Seobyeok Area of Munsusan Mountain, Bongwha-Gun, Gyengsangbuk-do, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 5(2):131-144. [pdf]

Šanda, M., P. Žáček, L. Streinz, M. Dračínský, and B. Koutek. 2012. Profiling and characterization of volatile secretions from the European stink bug Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) by two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal Chromatography B 881-882:69-75. [pdf]

Šeat, J. and B. Nadaždin. 2015. Overview of the true bug (Heteroptera) fauna of the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge. Notebook Ovčar-Kablar Gorge 6(1):38-47. [pdf]

Sehgal, P. K. and S. C. Dhiman. 2016. Study of population dynamics of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf [sic] (Heteroptera_Pentatomidae Scutellerinae). International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 7(1)(B):491-501. [pdf]

Singh, D., R. Kaur, and H. Kaur. 2013. Taxonomic studies on the genus Halyabbas Distant and the type-species Halyabbas unicolor Distant (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae-Pentatominae-Amyntorini). International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 1(2):16-19. [pdf]

Souza-Firmino, T. S. de, K. C. C. Alevi, L. L. V. Pereira, C. A. Banho, F. C. Silva Jr., and M. M. Itoyama. 2015. Occurrence of Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) on physic nut (Jatropha curcas) in northwest of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology 4(1):1-3. [pdf]

Stubbins, F. L., P. Agudelo, F. P. F. Reay-Jones, and J. K. Greene. 2015. First report of a mermithid nematode infecting the invasive Megacopta cribraria (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) in the United States. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 127:35-37. [pdf]

Wong, A. C. M. and S. T. Mak. 2012. Preseptal cellulitis in a child caused by Megacopta centrosignatum. Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 16(6):577-578. [pdf]

Wright, M. G. and J. M. Diez. 2011. Egg parasitism by Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in architecturally varied habitats, and observations on parasitism in macadamia nut orchards and other habitats following augmentative release. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 43:23-31. [pdf]

Yao, Y-z., W-z. Cai, and D. Ren. 2008. New Jurassic fossil true bugs of the Pachymeridiidae (Hemiptera: Pentatomomorpha) from Northeast China. Acta Geologica Sinica 82(1):35-47. [pdf]

Yasemi, M., A. Sarafrazi, and M. Shojaii. 2016. Geographical distribution of Trissolcus grandis (Scelionidae), egg parasitoid of sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 19:127-132. [pdf]


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Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
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David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 31 March 2016

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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