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Pentatomoids Used As Food or Medicine

    This is a relatively new section to the Pentatomoidea website, and so it may takes some time before there it is complete.  This section is designed to provide information on various Pentatomoidea that are used either as food items or for medicinal purposes.

Pentatomoidea Used as Food:
    Dinidoridae -
        Coridius chinensis (Dallas, 1851) - (China, India)

        Coridius nepalensis (Westwood, 1837) - (India)
        Cyclopelta subhimalayensis Strickland, 1937 - (India)

    Pentatomidae -
        Erthesina acuminata Dallas, 1851 - (India)
        Euschistus strenuus Stål, 1862 (Mexico)
        Udonga montana (Distant, 1900) (India)

    Tessaratomidae -
        Encosternum delegorguei Spinola, 1850 - Thongolifha (Southern Africa)

Pentatomoidea Used for Medicinal Purposes:
    Dinidoridae -
        Coridius chinensis (Dallas, 1851) - Aphrodisiac medicine (China)

    Pentatomidae -
        Euschistus strenuus Stål, 1862 - Cure kidney, liver, and stomach complaints (Mexico)

    Tessaratomidae -
        Encosternum delegorguei Spinola, 1850 - Cure for hangovers (Southern Africa)

Selected references:

Azad Thakur, N. S. and D. M. Firake. 2012. Ochrophora montana (Distant): a precious dietary supplement during famine in northeastern Himalaya. Current Science 102(6):845-846. [pdf]

Faure, J. C. 1944. Pentatomid bugs as human food. Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa 7:110-112.

Gahukar, R. T. 2012. Entomophagy can support rural livelihood in India. Current Science 103(1):10.

Hoffmann, W. E. 1947. Insects as human food. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 49(9):233-237.

Mjele.  1944.  Haplosterna delagorguei. (Order Hemiptera).  Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa 7:113-114.

Strickland, C. 1932. Edible and paralysific bugs, one of which a new species Cyclopelta subhimalayensis n. sp. (Hemipteron, Heteropteron, Pentatomida, Dinadorina). Indian J. Med. Res. 19(3):873-876, 1 col. pl.


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Number of Genera & Species Collected at Lights Maternal Care
Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
Collected at Dung or Dead Animals Collected in various Traps  




David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 21 Sep 2015 

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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