July 2017 Aukema, B., T. Martens, N. Klunder, and J. Prijs. 2017. Nieuwe en interessante Nederlandse Wantsen VII (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 48:45-54. [pdf] Cook, J. L. and C. M. Tribull. 2013. A new genus and species of Corioxenidae (Strepsiptera) from Madagascar, with a review of the current genera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 106(3):313-322. [pdf] Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Phloeidae Amyot and Serville. P. 247, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Tessaratomidae Stål. P. 330, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Thyreocoridae Amyot and Serville. Pp. 331-337, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Coscarón, M. del C. and J. Lis. 2017. Family Cydnidae Billberg. Pp. 83-88, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Coscarón, M. del C. and D. A. Rider. 2017. Family Scutelleridae Leach. Pp. 325-329, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Faúndez, E. I. and D. A. Rider. 2017. Two teratological cases in Hillieria acuminata Distant, 1910 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Aeptini). Boletin de la Socidad Entomológica Aragonesa 60:353-354. [pdf] Grazia, J., C. F. Schwertner, and Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Acanthosomatidae Signoret. Pp. 10-329, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Grazia, J., C. F. Schwertner, and Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Dinidoridae Signoret. Pp. 88-89, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Grazia, J., C. F. Schwertner, and Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Megarididae McAtee and Malloch. Pp. 114-115, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Grazia, J., C. F. Schwertner, and Coscarón, M. del C. 2017. Family Pentatomidae Leach. Pp. 207-247, in: Coscarón, M. del C. (ed.), A catalogue of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) or true bugs of Argentina. Zootaxa 4295:1-432. [pdf] Nielsen, A. L., S. Fleischer, G. C. Hamilton, T. Hancock, G. Krawczyk, J. C. Lee, E. Ogburn, J. M. Pote, A. Raudenbush, A. Rucker, M. Saunders, V. P. Skillman, J. Sullivan, J. Timer, J. Walgenbach, N. G. Wiman, and T. C. Leskey. 2017. Phenology of brown marmorated stink bug described using female reproductive development. Ecology and Evolution 2017:1-11. [pdf] Roca-Cusachs, M. and M. Goula. 2017. Photosharing website photographs as a tool to refine distribution of Iberian and Canarian Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 60:397-405. [pdf] Simoglou, K. B. and P. Dioli. 2017. First report of caper (Capparis spinosa) serious infestation by Eurydema eckerleini in Cyclades Islands, Greece (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Fragmenta Entomologica 49(1):65-69. [pdf]
David A. Rider updated: 25 July 2017