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January 2019

Ak, K., C. Tuncer, A. Baltaci, Ü. Eser, and İ. Saruhan. 2018. Incidence and severity of stink bugs damage on kernels in Turkish hazelnut orchards. Acta Horticulturae 1226:407-411. [pdf]

Anonymous. 1967. Asolcus mitsukurii Ashmead. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(3):339. [pdf]

Anonymous. 1969. Trissolcus sp. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 20(2):261-262. [pdf]

Aukema, B., D. Hermes, and R. Ketelaar. 2018. Wantsen van de Nederlandse Waddeneilanden VI (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 50:17-24. [pdf]

Balbakan, M., M. Fent, and S. Tezcan. 2019. Notes on the bait trap collected Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species of fig orchards in Tire (İzmir), western Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology 14(1):283-286. [pdf]

Beardsley, J. W., Jr. 1966. Coptosoma xanthogramma (White) new to the state. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(2):144. [pdf]

Beardsley, J. W., Jr. 1967. Coptosoma xanthogramma (White). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(3):322. [pdf]

Bianchi, F. A. 1966. Oechalia schellenbergii (Guérin-Méneville). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(2):142-143. [pdf]

Buffington, M. L., E. J. Talamas, and K. A. Hoelmer. 2018. Team Trissolcus: Integrating taxonomy and biological control to combat the brown marmorated stink bug. American Entomologist 64(4):224-232. [pdf]

Chong, M. 1967. Asolcus (= Telenomus) basalis Wollaston. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(3):331. [pdf]

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Costa, A. 1867. Specie Italiane del genre Podops tra gli Emitteri Eterotteri. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della R. Universitá di Napoli 4:46-52. [pdf]

Donovan, E. 1810. The Natural History of British Insects; Explaining Them in Their Several States, with the Periods of Their Transformations, Their Food, Œconomy, Etc. Together with the History of Such Minute Insects as Require Investigation by the Microscope. Volume 14. Donovan, London, 96 pp. [pdf]

Drees, M. 2013. Ein neuer Fundort von Adomerus biguttatus für NRW im südwestfälischen Bergland (Cydnidae). Heteropteron 40:30. [pdf]

Drozdowski, I. and A. C. Mrkvicka. 2009. Beiträge zur Flora und Fauna von Perchtoldsdorf in Niederösterreich. Verhandlungen der Zoologische-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 146:61-78. [pdf]

Exnerová, J. Binderová, and P. Štys. 2012. Warning stridulation of Heteroptera: does it work against bird predators? P. 53, in: Bryja, J., J. Albrechtová, and E. Tkadlec (eds.), Zoologické dny Olomouc. Sbornik abstraktů z konference 9.-10. úmora 2012. [pdf]

Exnerová, A., P. Štys, A. Krištín, O. Volf, and M. Pudil. 2003. Birds as predators of true bugs (Heteroptera) in different habitats. Biologia 58:255-266. [pdf]

Exnerová, A., K. Svádová, P. Fousová, E. Fučíková, D. Ježová, A. Niederlová, M. Kopečková, and P. Štys. 2008. European birds and aposematic Heteroptera: review of comparative experiments. Bulletin of Insectology 61(1):163-165. [pdf]

Faúndez, E. I. 2018. From agricultural to household pest: the case of the painted bug Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Chile. Journal of Medical Entomology 55(5):1365-1368. [pdf]

Faúndez, E. I. and J. R. Rocca. 2018. Loxa deducta Walker, 1867 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Chile: distribution, history of invastion and identification. Graellsia 74(2)(e076):1-5. [pdf]

Faúndez, E. I., J. R. Rocca, and G. M. Alonso. 2017. Dos casos teratológicos en Loxa deducta Walker (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Revista Chilena de Entomología 42:49-52. [pdf]

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Frieß, T. and A. Hilpold. 2017. Wanzen (Insecta: Heteroptera) ausgewählter Untersuchungsflächen der Science Week 2016 in der Umgebung von Matsch (Südtirol, Italien). Gredleriana 17:191-204. [pdf]

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Gregorovičová, M. and A. Černíková. 2015. Reactions of green lizards (Lacerda viridis) to major repellent compounds secreted by Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Zoology 118:176-182. [pdf]

Gregorovičová, M. and A. Černíková. 2016. Reactions of leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) to defensive secretion of Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera Pentatomidae): an experimental approach. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 28(4):367-384. [pdf]

Hemala, V. and M. Rindos. 2018. Phenology, distribution and first observation of the larva of the rare stink bug Dybowskyia reticulata (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Europe. Klapalekiana 54:183-196. [pdf]

Honarmand, P., H. R. Dastjerdi, G. N. Ganbalani, M. Hassanpour, and A. A. Fathi. 2018. Impact of selected chemical and botanical insecticides on Trissolcus grandis (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), a parasitoid of Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae). Journal of Entomological Science 53(4):514-522. [Scopus]

Juárez, G. and E. I. Faúndez. 2018. Un caso teratológico en Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood, 1837) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) de la Región Piura, Perú. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay 22(2):87-90. [pdf]

Kirchmair, G., T. Friess, J. Brandner, J. Stangl, R. Borovsky, J. Gunczy, W. Paill, L. W. Gunczy, M. Rode, L. Kuzmits, H. Frankl, W. Stani, D. Fröhlich, S. Preiml, and G. Kunz. 2017. Zoologischer Bericht von Tag der Biodiversität 2017 im Naturpark Südsteiermark. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 147:99-134. [pdf]

Kirkaldy, G. W. 1909. List of the Hemiptera of the Maorian Region. Corrections. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2(2):81. [pdf]

Kirkaldy, G. W. 1910. Scutellerine bugs showing great color-variation. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2(3):103. [pdf]

Kment, P. and M. Březíková. 2018. First record of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana 54:221-232. [pdf]

Köse, S. and M. Kivan. 2018. An evaluation on host discrimination and superparasitism in Trissolcus semistriatus (Nees, 1834) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), egg parasitoid of Eurygaster integriceps Put., 1881 (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae). Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 42(4):287-294. [Scopus]

Krauss, N. L. H. 1965. Brochymena quadripustulata (F.). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(1):2. [pdf]

Krauss, N. L. H. 1965. Nezara viridula smaragdula (F.). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(1):6. [pdf]

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Matesco, V. C. 2007. Morfologia dos estágios imaturos e biologia de três espécies de Chinavia Orian (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) e estudo comparado dos ovos de algumas espécies de Pentatomídeos ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura. M.S. thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 203 pp. [pdf]

Mathews, C. R. and S. Barry. 2014. Compost tea reduces egg hatch and early-stage nymphal development of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Florida Entomologist 97(4):1726-1732. [pdf]

Mathur, R. N. and B. Singh. 1956. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to the plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 4. – List of insect pests of plant genera C (concluded) (Clausena to Cytisus). Indian Forest Bulletin (ns) 171(3):1-45. [pdf]

Mathur, R. N. and B. Singh. 1958. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to the plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 5. – List of insect pests of plant genera D to F (Dactyloclenium to Funtumia). Indian Forest Bulletin (ns) 171(4):1-165. [pdf]

Mathur, R. N. and B. Singh. 1959. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to the plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 6. – List of insect pests of plant genera G to K (Gamblea to Kydia). Indian Forest Bulletin (ns) 171(5):1-91. [pdf]

Mathur, R. N., and B. Singh. 1959. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to the plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 7. – List of insect pests of plant genera L to O (Lablab to Oxytenanthera). Indian Forest Bulletin (ns) 171(6):1-148. [pdf]

Mathur, R. N. and B. Singh. 1959. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to the plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 8. – List of insect pests of plant genera P to R (Paederia to Rumex). Indian Forest Bulletin (ns) 171(7):1-130. [pdf]

Mathur, R. N. and B. Singh. 1960. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to the plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 9. – List of insect pests of plant genera S (Sabia to Syzygium). Indian Forest Bulletin (ns) 171(8):1-88. [pdf]

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Mitchell, P. L., S. B. Cooke, and L. F. Smaniotto. 2018. Probing behavior of Nezara viridula on soybean: Characterization and comparison of electrical penetration graph (EPG) waveforms on vegetative and reproductive plant structures. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 34:19-43. [pdf]

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Morkel, C., B. Aukema, W. H. O. Dorow, F. Faraci, P. Göricke, M. M. Gossner, V. Hartung, H.-J. Hoffmann, H. Kallenborn, W. Kleinsteuber, S. Küchler, W. Rabitsch, C. Rieger, U. Rieger, S. Roth, P. Schäfer, A. Schneider, H. Simon, L. Simon, M. Stemmer, G. Tymann, K. Voigt, E. Wachmann, H. Winkelmann, and G. Zimmermann. 2018. Wanzenfunde (Insecta: Heteroptera) aus Nordhessen anlässlich des 43. Treffens der “Arbeitsgruppe Mitteleuropäischer Heteropterologen” im August 2017. Philippia 17(3):219-264. [pdf]

Patil, R. S., J. Gowda, M. Hanumantha, R. Raghunatha, and M. Shivashenkaramurthy. 2016. Outbreak of Udonga montana Distant (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), a seed bug of bamboo in Canara Forest Circle, Karnataka. Indian Forester 142(3):304-306.

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Rebora, M., G. Salerno, S. Piersanti, J. Michels, and S. Gorb. 2019. Structure and biomechanics of the antennal grooming mechanism in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula. Journal of Insect Physiology 112:57-67. [pdf]

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Roca-Cusachs, M., F. Prieto Piloña, J. Pérez Valcárcel, and M. Goula. 2018. Checklist de Fauna Ibérica. Superfamilia Pentatomoidea Leach, 1815 (Insecta: Heteroptera) en la península ibérica, islas Baleares e islas Canarias. In: Ramos, M. A. and M. Sánchez Ruiz (eds.), Documentos Fauna Ibérica 4, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid, 2 + 17 pp. [pdf]

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Salerno, G., M. Rebora, E. Gorb, and S. Gorb. 2018. Attachment ability of the polyphagous bug Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) to different host plant surfaces. Scientific Reports 8(10975):1-14. [pdf]

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Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
Collected at Dung or Dead Animals Collected in various Traps  




David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 31 January 2019

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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