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March 2022

Alarcón, M. and D. Cazorla. 2022. Descripción de los estadios inmaduros de Antiteuchus tripterus (Fabricius, 1787) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae: Discocephalini). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 261:3-61. [pdf]

Alarcón, M. and D. Cazorla. 2022. Presencia de Apateticus lineolatus Herrich-Schäffer, 1851 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) en la Región Andina de Venezuela. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 266:3-16. [pdf]

Avery, P. B., J. George, L. Markle, X. Martini, A. L. Rowley, R. L. Meagher, Jr., R. E. Barger, E. B. Duren, J. S. Dawson, and R. D. Cave. 2022. Choice behavior of the generalist pentatomid predator Podisus maculiventris when offered lepidopteran larvae infected with an entomopathogenic fungus. BioControl [early online version; pdf]

Báez, M., E. Heiss A. García, and A. Cabrera. 2005. Hemiptera: Heteroptera. Pp. 71-77, in: Arechavaleta, M., N. Zurita, M. C. Marrero, and J. L. Martín (eds.), Lista preliminar de especies silvestres de Cabo Verde (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres). Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias, 155 pp. [pdf]

Barros, L. D. de, K. R. Barão, and J. Grazia. 2022. Taxonomic updates on the Mecocephala group (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): redescription of Mecocephala Dallas and Paramecocephala Benvegnú. Journal of Natural History 55(43-44)[2021]:2691-2747. [pdf]

Brugnera, R., G. M. Limberger, L. A. Campos, and J. Grazia. 2022. The eggs and nymphs of predatory stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae): what do we know? Zoology 151(125991): 19 pp. [pdf]

Delbac, L., R. Rouzes, R. Hamidi, and D. Thiéry. 2022. First occurrence of Halyomorpha halys in Bordeaux vineyards. International Viticulture & Enology Society 56(1):253-257. [pdf]

Funayama, K. 2022. The tachinid fly, Pentatomophaga latifascia (Diptera: Tachinidae), may help control Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in early spring in northern Japan. Canadian Entomologist 154(14):1-6. [pdf]

Gálvez, D., D. Murcia-Moreno, Y. Añino, and C. Ramos. 2022. The Asian hemipteran Brachyplatys subaeneus (Westwood, 1837) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Plataspidae) in a protected area in Panama. BioInvasions Records 11(1):95-100. [pdf]

Gonçcalves, L. T., P. H. Pezzi, and F. M. Bianchi. 2022. Four new stink bug mitogenomes corroborate the internal inconsistencies in the classification of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). Zootaxa 5120(1):128-142. [pdf]

Göricke, P. and M. Guth. 2022. Zum Auftreten der Marmorierten Baumwanze Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in Sachsen-Anhalt. Entomologische Mitteilungen Sachsen-Anhalt 29(2)[2021]:106-108. [pdf]

Göricke, P. and W. Kleinsteuber. 2021. Zur Fauna der Wanzen (Heteroptera) des westlichen Südharzes (Sachsen-Anhalt). Entomofaunistische Untersuchungen im westlichen Südharz (Sachsen-Anhalt) 2021:184-243. [pdf]

Grodowitz, M. J., D. E. Gundersen-Rindal, B. Elliott, R. Evans, M. E. Sparks, D. A. Reed, G. P. Miles, M. L. Allen, and T. M. Perring. 2022. Trypanosomatids associated in the alimentary canal of Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Insect Science 22(1)(12): 6 pp. [pdf]

Hartung, V., M. Heller, and M. Husemann. 2022. First record of the invasive true bug (Heteroptera) Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) from Hamburg with other records from Northern Germany and possible implications for its range expansion. Evolutionary Systematics 6:57-64. [pdf]

King, K., M. E. Meuti, and N. F. Johnson. 2021. Identification and expression of odorant binding proteins in the egg-parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae, Telenominae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87:251-266. [pdf]

Kingsley, K. 1998. Invertebrates of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of Arizona, Technical Report no. 60:1-183. [pdf]

Kóbor, P. 2022. The cannibalistic behaviour in the suborder Heteroptera and in particular in brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). Növényvédelem 83:66-70. [in Hungarian; pdf]

Koçakoglu, N. O. and S. Candan. 2022. Ultrastructural characterization of salivary glands, alimentary canal and Malpighian tubules of the red shield bug Carpocoris mediterraneus Tamanini, 1958 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Microscopy and Microanalysis [early online]

Kumar, H., S. Singh, A. Yadav, and M. Kumar. 2021. Seasonal incidence and efficacy of botanical insecticides against painted bug, Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea genotype RH 725). Journal of Applied and Natural Science 13(4):1518-1523. [pdf]

Sofronova, E. V. and A. P. Sofronov. 2021. New data on the Heteroptera fauna of Japanese elm relict communities in the lower reaches of the Selenga River (Republic of Buryatia). Entomological Review 101(8):1142-1150. [English version of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 100(3):590-601; pdf of English version]

Ye, Z-X., S-M. Wang, G. Lu, J-P. Chen, C-X. Zhang, L-Y. Xu, and J-M. Li. 2022. Complete genome sequence of a novel arlivirus from a yellow spotted stink bug (Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783)). Archives of Virology 167:1205-1209. [pdf]


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David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 30 March 2022

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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