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March 2023

Abram, P. K., T. D. Nelson, V. Marshall, T. D. Gariepy, T. Haye, J. Zhang, T. Hueppelsheuser, S. Acheampong, C. E. Moffat. 2023. Genetic relationships among laboratory lines of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus japonicus from native and adventive populations. NeoBiota 82:145-161. [pdf]

Atlihan, R., M. S. Özgökçe, M. B. Kaydan, İ. Kasap, N. Kilinçer, S. Kiyak, and E. Polat. 2011. Insect fauna of walnut orchards in Van lake river basin. Türkiye Entomologii Dergisi 35(2):349-360. [pdf]

Balbi, E. I., F. M. Flores, and J. D. Arneodo. 2023. First genetic analysis of Euschistus heros F. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) from Argentina and its relative abundance in a newly invaded soybean region. Phytoparasitica [early online version; pdf]

Bozsik, G., G. Szőcs, and J. Kontschán. 2023. A new model of stink bug traps: Heated trap for capturing Halyomorpha halys during the autumn dispersal period. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 69(1):39-46. [pdf]

Chen, X-h., M. Leng, D-h. Yao, H-y. Zhao, and M-f. Yang. 2023. The complete mitochondrial genome of Picromerus lewisi Scott 1874 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae). Mitochondrial DNA (B: Resources) 8(2):285-287. [pdf]

Cochereau, P. 1964. Contribution à l’étude de l’Hémiptère Pentatomides Axiagastus cambelli Distant et de ses pulluations aux Nouvelles Hébrides. Institut Français d’Océanie, Multigr. Rpt., ORSTOM, 27 pp. [pdf]

Gandjaeva, L. A., I. I. Abdullayev, X. M. Bobojonova, and A. I. Iskandarov. 2022. Occurrence of the true bugs (Heteroptera) in a variety of habitats. Scientific Review 2022(3):10-15. [in Russian; pdf]

Göktürk, T. 2020. The investigation of effectiveness of light and pheromone traps on control of Halyomorpha halys (Stal). Artvin Coruh University Journal of Forestry Faculty 21(2):270-275. [in Turkish; pdf]

Kiyak, S. and S. S. Çaglar. 1991. Über Heteropteren von nord- und Nordostanatolien. Miscellaneous Papers 11:2-8. [pdf]

Kuang, Z., J. Wen, Y. Zhu, X. He, and K. Chen. 2023. Dietary association with midgut microbiota components of Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff). Diversity 14(1130): 17 pp. [pdf]

Kulkarni, D. K., R. B. Bhagat, S. M. Punalekar, and D. S. Nipunage. 2012. Occurrence of Cyclopelta siccifolia (Westwood) on Holigarna grahmii (Wt.) Kurz. from (M.S.) India. Science Research Reporter 2(1):81-82. [pdf]

Liu, G-q. and W-j. Bu. 2009. The fauna of Hebei, China. Hemiptera: Heteroptera. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, Beijing, China, 528 pp. [in Chinese; pdf]

Mammedova, T. R. and E. F. Mustafaeva. 2021. Study of Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) species distributed in different regions of Azerbaijan. Agrarian Science 10:74-77. [pdf]

McCann, C. 1942. The plant bug Cyclopelta siccifolia on Pongamia glabra. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 43(1):109-111. [pdf]

Nair, V. 2014. Mass occurence [sic] of stink bug Cyclopelta siccifolia (Westwood) (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea: Dinidoridae) on Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi, at Kannur, Kerala, southern India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 111(2):146-147. [pdf]

Özsaraç, H., S. Kiyak, and Ö. Özsaraç. 2001. Studies on the fauna of Heteroptera of Gökçeada (Çanakkale) - II. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology of Gazi University 14(4):1167-1182. [pdf]

Ranade, S. and H. V. Ghate. 2023. Notes on morphology and bionomics of Urolabida histrionica (Westwood) (Heteroptera: Urostylididae) from Assam, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 15(2):22677-22685. [pdf]

Ranjith, A. M., K. P. Mammootty, S. Sasikumaran, and V. S. Pillay. 1992. Biology of Cyclopelta siccifolia Westwood (Dinidoridae: Hemiptera) on Erythrina standards in pepper gardens. Spice India 5(2):9-10. [Nair (2014)]

Richardson, K. V., D. G. Alston, and L. R. Spears. 2023. Efficacy of kairomone lures to attract parasitoids of Halyomorpha halys. Insects 14(125): 10 pp. [pdf]

Salvetti, M., L. Colacurcio, and P. Dioli. 2022. Gli Eterotteri di Palazzo Rossi (Bologna). La fauna terrestre. Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna 56:77-120. [pdf]

Sergeeva, E. V., V. B. Golub, and S. A. Ivanov. 2022. New data on the fauna of true bugs (Heteroptera) of Tyumenskaya Oblast, Russia. Part 2. Euroasian Entomological Journal 21(5):290-294. [in Russian; pdf]

Sofronova, E. V. 2022. The first record of Acanthosoma denticaudum Jakovlev, 1880 (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae) from Irkutskaya Oblast of East Siberia, Russia. Euroasian Entomological Journal 21(6):356-357. [in Russian; pdf]

Sucheta and K. S. Khokhar. 2006. Taxonomic studies on the genus Blachia Walker and the type-species (Pentatomidae: Asopinae). Journal of Entomological Research 30(3):267-271. [pdf]

van der Heyden, T. 2023. New records of Heteroptera from the Canary Islands (Spain), I. Arquivos Entomolóxicos 26:101-104. [pdf]

van der Heyden, T. and S. Petrovan. 2023. New records of Heteroptera from the Canary Islands (Spain), II. Arquivos Entomolóxicos 26:109-111. [pdf]

Varshney, R. K. 1967. Some observation on stink bug Cyclopelta siccifolia Westwood (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) a pest of Butea monosperma Lam. Indian Forester 93(11):765-771. [pdf]

Vásárhelyi, T., E. Kondorosy, and G. Bakonyi. 1990. The Heteroptera fauna of the Bátorliget Nature Reserves. The Bátorliget Nature Reserves 1990:347-355. [pdf]

Zhao, M., Q. Duan, X. Shen, and S. Zhang. 2023. Climate change influences the population density and suitable area of Hippotiscus dorsalis (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in China. Insects 14(135): 17 pp. [pdf]



Researchers Genus Index Systematics Host Information
Bibliography Species Index Biographies & Type Info Natural Enemies
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Number of Genera & Species Collected at Lights Maternal Care
Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
Collected at Dung or Dead Animals Collected in various Traps  




David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 31 March 2023

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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