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 December 2024

Aigner, B. L., G. C. Rains, and M. R. Abney. 2024. Pangaeus bilieatus [sic] (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) behavioral response to light-based stimuli in the laboratory. Journal of Entomological Science 60(1):13-23. [pdf]

Burjanadze, M., N. Kharabadze, and M. Arjevandze. 2021. Bover-Ge – mycopesticedes [sic] for the control brown marmorated stink bug - Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Annals of Agrarian Science 19:354-359. [pdf]

Carnio, V., R. Favaro, M. Preti, and S. Angeli. 2024. Impact of aggregation pheromone traps on spatial distribution of Halyomorpha halys damage in apple orchards. Insects 15(791): 17 pp. [pdf]

Demyanenko, E. V., Z. S. Fedorova, and V. V. Trunov. 2024. Main pests and diseases of soybean of the northern ecotype in the conditions of the non-chernozem zone. BIO Web of Conferences 139(1003): 9 pp. [pdf]

Fluch, M., M. Chignola, E. Corretto, M. Wolf, S. Fischnaller, L. Borruso, and H. Schuler. 2024. What’s on the menu? A novel molecular gut content analysis to investigate the feeding behavior of phytophagous insects. Ecology and Evolution 14(70071): 10 pp. [pdf]

Heiss, E., A. Eckelt, M. Lederwasch, and R. Unterasinger. 2024. The Heteroptera collection Ernst Heiss at the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Part XIII: Pentatomomorpha VI: Families Cydnidae, Thyreocoridae, Plataspidae. Entomologica Austriaca 31:37-76. [pdf]

Heiss, E., A. Eckelt, M. Lederwasch, and R. Unterasinger. 2024. Die Heteropterensammlung Ernst Heiss im Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Teil XVII: Tessaratomidae. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen 76:151-160. [pdf]

Jia, W., J. Chen, S. Ge, Z. Zhang, Y. Xiao, L. Qi, Q. Zhao, and H. Zhang. 2024. Phylogenetic and divergence analysis of Pentatomidae, with a comparison of the mitochondrial genomes of two related species (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). PLoS ONE 19(10)(309589): 21 pp. [pdf]

Lis, J. A., P. J. Domagała, and B. Lis. 2024. New molecular phylogenetic evidence confirms independent origin of coxal combs in the families of the ‘cydnoid’ complex (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea). Insects 15(792): 15 pp. [pdf]

Paulo, M. da S., P. H. Rezende, D. A. Costa, A. C. P. Teixeira, F. W. S. do Nascimento, J. Lino-Neto, G. Dias. 2024. First report of aberrant sperm in Edessinae and analysis of the male reproductive system of Edessa rufomarginata (De Geer, 1773) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). PLoS ONE 19(12)(311254): 17 pp. [pdf]

Rumiantseva, A. S., A. N. Ignatieva, I. V. Grushevaya, A. M. Utkuzova, N. V. Binitskaya, A. G. Kononchuk, E. G. Kozlova, A. A. Khodzhash, and Y. S. Tokarev. 2024. Horizontal and vertical transmission of microsporidia Nosema pyrausta and Nosema bombycis in the predatory bug Podisus maculiventris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Acta Biologica Sibirica 10:1625-1645. [pdf]

Sundaram, D. A. N., J. Jalinas, N. F. M. Izham, A. B. Abba, and M. R. A. Rahman. 2024. Spatial distribution of green stink bug, Rhynchocoris humeralis (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) before and after chemical control on calamansi trees at the Bangi Botanic Garden, UKM. Semarak International Journal of Animal Science and Zoology 1(1):1-8. [pdf]

van der Heyden, T., L. Morin, and P. Dioli. 2024. First record of Perillus bioculatus (Fabricius, 1775) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) in Italy. Heteroptera Poloniae – Acta Faunistica 18:35-37. [pdf]

Vega-Badillo, V., V. V. Hernández-Ortiz, J. E. Valenzuela-González, R. Novelo-Gutiérrez, S. Ibáñez-Bernal, and D. Reynoso-Velasco. 2024. Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C. Zootaxa 5551(3):401-452. [pdf]

Yi, S-C., J-L. Yu, S. T. Abdelkhalek, Z-R. Sun, and M-Q. Wang. 2024. Identification and odor exposure regulation of odorant-binding proteins in Picromerus lewisi. Frontiers in Physiology 15(1503440): 11 pp. [pdf]

Zografou, K., R. Lupoli, T. van der Heyden, and P. Dioli. 2024. Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) - first record of this invasive species in Greece (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Heteroptera Poloniae – Acta Faunistica 18:39-41. [pdf]


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Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
Collected at Dung or Dead Animals Collected in various Traps  




David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 31 December 2024

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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