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Bibliography - M

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Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte III: Citricos (Citrus spp., Rutaceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part III):242 pp. [pdf]

Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte IV: Aguacate (Persea americana, Lauraceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part IV):262 pp. [pdf]

Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte V: Jocote (Spondias purpurea, Anacardiaceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part V):90 pp. [pdf]

Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte VI: Guanábana (Annona squamosa, Annona muricata, Annonaceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part VI):134 pp. [pdf]

Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte VII: Banano (Musa sapientum, Musa acuminata) Plátano (Musa paradisiaca) (Musaceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part VII):159 pp. [pdf]

Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte X: Pijivay (Bactris gasipaes, Arecaceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part X):37 pp. [pdf]

Maes, J.-M. 2004. Insectos asociados a algunos cultivos tropicales en el Atlantico de Nicaragua. Parte XI: Mango (Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae). Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 64 (suppl. 1, part XI):158 pp. [pdf]

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McPherson, J. E. and I. Ahmad. 2008. Comparison of male genitalia of Murgantia histrionica, M. varicolor, and M. violascens (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 110(4):1028-1033. [computer copy]

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McPherson, J. E., I. Ahmad, and C. S. Bundy. 2009. Comparison of the male and female genitalia of Mecidea major and M. minor (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Mecideini). Journal of Entomological Science 44(2):164-169. [computer copy]

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McPherson, J. E. and C. S. Bundy. 2021. Identification of nymphal instars of Mecidea major Sailer and Mecidea minor Ruckes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Mecideini) from the southwestern and central United States. Zootaxa 4958(1):479-488. [pdf]

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McPherson, J. E., C. S. Bundy, and M. H. Sweet. 2012. Value of nymphal morphology in determining identity of pregenital and genital segments in adult Corimelaena incognita (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Thyreocoridae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105(1):111-117. [computer copy]

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Miller, L. A., H. A. Rose, and F. J. D. McDonald. 1978. The effects of damage by the green vegetable bug, Nezara viridula (L.) on yield and quality of soybeans. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 16(4)[1977]:421-426. [E]

Miller, N. C. E. 1929. Megymenum brevicorne F. Pentatomidae. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) A minor pest of Curcurbitaceae and Passifloraceae. The Malayan Agricultrual Journal 17(12):421-426. [xerox]

Miller, N. C. E. 1931. The bionomics of some Malayan Rhynchota (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Department of Agriculture Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, Scientific Series, no. 5: 142 pp. [xerox]

Miller, N. C. E. 1931. Geotomus pygmaeus Dallas (Heteroptera-Cydnidae) attempting to suck human blood. Entomologist 64:214. [Het. Econ. Imp.]

Miller, N. C. E. 1934. The developmental stages of some Malayan Rhynchota. J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 17(3):502-525. [xerox]

Miller, N. C. E. 1951. A new species of Afrius (Hem., Pentatomidae) predacious on Schematiza cordiae Barb., in Mauritius. Bulletin of Entomological Research 42(1):183-184. [pdf]

Miller, N. C. E. 1952. A new genus of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) from Nigeria. Annals & Magazine of Natural History (12)5:954-956. [xerox]

Miller, N. C. E. 1953. A note on the ova of Urostylidae (Hem., Heteroptera). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 89:137. [xerox]

Miller, N. C. E. 1955. New genera and species of Plataspidae Dallas 1851 (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Annals & Magazine of Natural History (12)8:576-596. [xerox]

Miller, N. C. E. 1956. The Biology of the Heteroptera. 1st edition. Leonard Hill [Books] Ltd., London, 162 pp. [xerox: part]

Miller, N. C. E. 1971. The Biology of the Heteroptera. Leonard Hill (Books) Ltd., London, 206 pp. [Orig. printing - 1956, 162 pp.; shelf]

Miller, R. H. 1992. Insect pests of wheat and barley of Mediterranean Africa and West Asia. Al Awamia 1992, no. 77:3-20. [CAB Abstr. 93-7/95]

Miller, R. H. and M. I. Ghannoum. 1994. Current distribution of wheat and barley insects in Syria and some implications for cereal pest management. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 12(1):80-82. [CAB Abstr. 1/95-10/95]

Miller, R. L. 1928. Telenomous [sic] megacephalus Ashm., an egg parasite of the green pumpkin bug, Nezara viridula Linn., in Florida. Florida Entomologist 12(2):17-20. [pdf]

Miller, T. A. (ed.). 1980. Cuticle techniques in arthropods. Springer-Verlag, New York. xiv & 410 pp. [Zool. Rec. 1980]

Millet, E. R. 1956. Observations on some insects of importance in Lebanon. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 6(15):316-317. [pdf]

Millet, E. R. 1957. Summary of insect conditions - 1956 in Lebanon. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 7(29):588-589. [pdf]

Millet, E. R. 1958. Summary of insect conditions in Lebanon. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 8(8):137-138. [pdf]

Millet, E. R. 1960. Summary of insect conditions in Tunisia. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 10(5):57-58. [pdf]

Millet, E. R. 1961. Summary of insect conditions in Afghanistan. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 11(15):310-311. [pdf]

Millet, E. R. 1962. Summary of insect conditions in Afghanistan. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 12(4):43-47. [pdf]

Millet, E. R. 1963. Summary of insect conditions in Afghanistan. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 13(5):72-74. [pdf]

Millet de la Turtaudière, P. A. 1872. Ordre des Hémiptères. Pp. 180-213, in: Faune des Invertébrés du Maine-et-Loire, tome 2. Angers. 394pp. [computer copy]

Milliron, H. E. 1955. Harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica) - Delaware. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 5(17):362. [pdf]

Milliron, H. E. 1956. Harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica) - Delaware. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 6(24):549. [pdf]

Millspaugh. 1924. A bug destructive to wheat in Persia. M. S. received from the Foreign Office 14th June, 1924. [DeWitt & Godfrey 1972]

Milne, L. and M. Milne. 1980. The Audobon Society field guide to North American insects and spiders. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York & Random House of Canada Ltd., Toronto, 1002 pp. [Zool. Rec. 1980] [1981 Zool. Rec. gives S. Rayfield as a third author and 989 pp., same date]

Milne-Edwards, A. 1863. Monographie crustaces fossiles de la famille des canceriens VIII de l'agele des Xanthides. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (4)20:273-324. [Froeschner 1960]

Milnes, J. M. and E. H. Beers. 2019. Trissolcus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) causes low levels of parasitism in three North American pentatomids under field conditions. Journal of Insect Science 19(4)(15):1-6. [pdf]

Milnes, J. M., N. G. Wiman, E. J. Talamas, J. F. Brunner, K. A. Hoelmer, M. L. Buffington, and E. H. Beers. 2016. Discovery of an exotic egg parasitoid of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) in the Pacific Northwest. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 118(3):466-470. [pdf]

Milonas, P. G. and G. K. Partsinevelos. 2014. First report of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Greece. EPPO Bulletin 44(2):183-186. [pdf]

Milton, S. J., S. Gasser, S. Bortenschlager, and W. R. J. Dean. 1999. Invertebrates and leaf damage on alien Atriplex lindleyi Moq. and the indigenous A. vestita (Thunb.) Ael. (Chenopodiaceae) in southern Karoo, South Africa. African Entomology 7(2):298-301. [computer copy]

Min, H-k., S-j. Yoon, S-h. Jung, J-t. Lim, J-w. Ryu, S-c. Nam, and Y-b. Cho. 2009. Insect diversity of Dadohae Marine National Park, Jeonnam Province, Korea. Journal of Korean Nature 2(1):19-25. [pdf]

MinB Palumbo, F. 1870. Emitteri Siciliani. Catalogo. Bibl. Nat. Siciliano, fasc. VIII. Palermo, pp. 1-18. [Servadei, 1967]

MinB Palumbo, F. 1871. Emitteri Siciliani. Catalogo. Suppl. Bibl. Nat. Siciliano, fasc. VIII. Palermo, pp. 1-7. [Servadei, 1967]

MinB Palumbo, F. 1886. Contribuzione alla fauna entomologica Sicula. Il Naturalista Siciliano 6(2):33-38. [computer copy]

Minelli, A. 1977. Corlogia ed ecologia di alcuni artropodi geofili di Fusine in Val Romana. (Ricerche zoologiche nel Tarvisiano. 2.). Lavori Soc. Venez. Sci. Nat. 2:43-49. [Zool. Rec. 1979]

Minelli, A. 1979. Studi sul popolamento animale dell'Alto Trevigiano. 1. Faunistica e sinecologia di alcune cenosi riparie dei laghi di Revine. Lavori Soc. Venez. Sci. Nat. 4(1):48-60. [Zool. Rec. 1979]

Mineo, G. 1979. Studies on the Scelionidae (Hym. Proctotrupoidea). IX. Material for a revision of the genus Gryon Hal., with description of 4 new species (G. austrafricanum, G. eremiogryon, G. laraichii, G. nicolai) and notes on other scelionids. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria "Filippo Silvestri" 36:234-265. [xerox]

Mineo, G. 1979. Studi sugli Scelionidi (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea): VII. Sulle specie paleartiche del genere Gryon Haliday parassite di Aelia ed Eurygaster spp. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Il Naturalista Siciliano (4)3(3-4):91-97. [xerox]

Mineo, G. 1983. Studies of the Scelionidae (Hymenoptera). 19. A revision of the Ethiopian species of Gryon Haliday: the pubescens - group. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 75:285-293. [xerox]

Mineo, G. and M. Iannazzo. 1986. Brevi notizie sull’ Altica ampelophaga Guérin (Col. Chrysomelidae). Redia 69:543-553. [Het. Econ. Imp.]

Mineo, G. and A. Sinacori. 1978. Studi morfo-biologici comparativi sugli stadi preimmaginali degli scelionidi (Hym., Proctotrupoidea) 4. Nota su Telenomus lopicida Silv. Bollettino Ist. Ent. Agr. Fitopat. Palermo 10:105-112. [Zool. Rec. 1984]

Mineo, G. and J. B. Szabo. 1978. Description of two new Palearctic species of Gryon Haliday (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Bollettino Ist. Ent. Agr. Fitopat. Palermo 10:113-120. [Zool. Rec. 1984]

Miner, F. D. 1961. Stink bug damage to soybeans. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Farm Research 10(3):12. [xerox]

Miner, F. D. 1966. Biology and control of stinkbugs on soybeans. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agriculture, Bulletin no. 708: 40 pp. [reprint]

Miner, F. D. 1966. The stink bug problem on soybeans. Soybean Digest 26:14-16. [xerox]

Minghetti, E., V. Castro-Huertas, L. Schifini, and S. I. Montemayor. 2024. Improving the knowledge of the pest Scaptocoris castanea Perty (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae), further information for its early detection and prevention based on ecological niche modeling. Journal of the International Heteropterists’ Society 1(4):235-247. [pdf]

Mink, ?. ?. 1958. Stink bugs - Idaho. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 8(25):532. [pdf]

Minore, D. and H. G. Weatherly. 1994. Riparian trees, shrubs, and forest regeneration in the coastal mountains of Oregon. New Forests 8(3):249-263. [CAB Abstr. 93-7/95]

Mirak, T. N., A. Hosseinzadeh, and M. R. Gannadha. 1999. [Genetic study of resistance to sunn pest (E. integriceps) in wheat]. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30(3):495-504. [CAB Abstr.]

Miranda, J. E., A. C. de B. Ferreira, A. L. D. C. Borin, J. L. da S. Filho, B. M. D. Tripode, A. L. Barbieri, and O. G. do N. Neto. 2022. Impact of cover crops and rainfall distribution on Scaptocoris castanea (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 57(2939): 6 pp. [pdf]

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Misari, S. M. 1990. Pest complex of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in parts of Nigerian savanna. Savanna 11:1-11. [Malaguido & Panizzi, 1998]

Misbahuddin, R. S. and S. Ehteshamuddin. 2000. Effect of the systemic insecticide phosphamidon on LDH activity in the haemolymph of sap feeding insect pests Aspongopus janus and Dysdercus cingulatus. Environment and Ecology 18(2):317-319. [CAB Abstr.; Zool. Rec. 137; req.]

Misbahuddin, R. S. and S. Ehteshamuddin. 2000. Effect of phosphamidon on the alkaline phosphatase activity in the haemolymph of sap feeding insect pests Aspongopus janus, Chrysocoris stollii and Dysdercus cingulatus. Environment and Ecology 18(2):323-325. [CAB Abstr.; Zool. Rec. 137; req.]

Mishchenko, A. A. 1973. On studying entomofauna of sands in the Krasnograd District of the Kharkov Region. Vestnik Zoologii 1973(4):67-73. [in Russian; pdf]

Mishchenko, A. A. 1974. On studying the soil entomofauna of pine stands in the Kharkov District of the Kharkov Region. Vestnik Zoologii 1974(5):20-24. [in Russian; pdf]

Mishiro, K. and Y. Ohira. 2002. Attraction of a synthetic aggregation pheromone of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia crossota stali Scott to its parasitoids, Gymnosoma rotundata and Trissolcus plautiae. Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukaiho 48:76-80. [in Japanese; Zool. Rec., vol. 139]

Mishra, R. K. 1983. Effect of hempa on the free amino acid pool of ovary in Chrysocoris stollii Wolff (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India (B)53(1):61-64. [Zool. Rec. 1983; I]

Mishra, R. K. and R. N. Sharma. 1990. Host preference by adult Aspongopus janus F. Indian Journal of Entomology 51(4)[1989]:480-481. [xerox]

Misja, K. 1973. The results of the study of Hemiptera in Albania. Buletin i Shkencave te Natyres 1972(1-2):131-151. [in Albanian; comuter copy]

Miskimen, G. W. 1960. Comparison of sevin with DDT and rotenone on tomatoes under tropical conditions. Journal of Economic Entomology 53:1128-1129. [xerox]

Miskimen, G. W. and R. M. Bond. 1975. The insect fauna of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands. The New York Academy of Sciences, Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands 13(1):1-114. [xerox: part]

Misra, C. S. 1920. Index to Indian fruit-pests.  Pp. 564-595, in: Fletcher, T. B. (ed.), Report of the Proceedings of the Third Entomological Meeting, Held at Pusa on the 3rd to 15th February 1919. Vol. 2. Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta, India. [pdf]

Misra, C. S. 1924. Observations on some Rhynchota from northern India. Pp. 300-317, in: Fletcher, T. B. (ed.), Report of the Proceedings of the Fifth Entomological Meeting, Held at Pusa on the 5th to 10th February 1923. Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta, India. [pdf]

Misra, M. P., A. D. Pawar, B. N. Gupta, R. Samujh, and A. K. Sahu. 1984. New records of insect pests and their natural enemies on paddy from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. J. Adv. Zool. 5(2):126-127. [Zool. Rec. 1984]

Misra, R. M., B. N. Misra, and R. K. Misra. 2001. Beauveria bassiana (Balsamao) Vuillemein -- a fungal pathogen of Erthesina fullo Thunb. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Indian Journal of Forestry 24(2):253-255. [CAB Abstracts]

Mistric, W. J., Jr. and C. F. Rainwater. 1953. Further studies of the action of insecticides on cotton insects. Journal of Economic Entomology 46:838-844. [xerox]

Mitchell, B. 2006. What’s been bugging me? Shieldbugs in Warwickshire. Het News 7:11. [computer copy]

Mitchell, B. 2006. Sehirus (Tritomegas) bicolor. Het News 7:13-14. [computer copy]

Mitchell, J. 1859. On a pulsatile muscular organ, auxiliary to the circulation, found in the legs of certain insects. Trans. Micro. Soc. London (ns) 7:36-39. [Parshley 1925]

Mitchell, P. L. 2004. Heteroptera as vectors of plant pathogens. Neotropical Entomology 33(5):519-545. [computer copy]

Mitchell, P. L., S. B. Cooke, and L. F. Smaniotto. 2018. Probing behavior of Nezara viridula on soybean: Characterization and comparison of electrical penetration graph (EPG) waveforms on vegetative and reproductive plant structures. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 34:19-43. [pdf]

Mitchell, P. L., J. B. Thielen, F. M. Stell, and H. W. Fescemyer. 2004. Activity of Melia volkensii (Meliaceae) extract against southern green stink bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 21(3):131-141. [current contents]

Mitchell, P. L., A. R. Zeilinger, E. G. Medrano, and J. F. Esquivel. 2018. Pentatomids as Vectors of Plant Pathogens. Pp. 611-640, in: McPherson, J. E. (ed.), Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea): Biology, Higher Systematics, Semiochemistry, and Management. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, 819 pp.

Mitchell, T. B. 1955. Summary of Insect Conditions - 1954. North Carolina. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 5(1):7-12. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1963. Hawaiian insect notes. Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula (L.)). USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 13(45):1323. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1963. Hawaiian insect notes. A parasitic tachina fly (Trichopoda pennipes F.). USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 13(45):1324. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1963. Hawaiian insect notes. Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula (L.)). USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 13(51):1416. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1963. Southern green stink bug. Univ. Haw. Coop. Ext. Leafl., 8 pp. [DeWitt & Godfrey 1972]

Mitchell, W. C. 1964. Brochymena quadripustulata (Fabricius). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 18(3):328. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1964. Trichopoda pennipes var. pilipes Fabricius. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 18(3):345. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1964. Nezara viridula smaragdula (Fabricius). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 18(3):345. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1964. Nezara viridula smaragdula (Fabricius). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 18(3):352. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1964. Hawaiian insect notes. A stink bug (Brochymena quadripustulata (F.)). USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 14(18):414. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1965. Brochymena quadripustulata (F.). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(1):9. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1965. An example of integrated control of insects: Status of the southern green stink bug in Hawaii. Agricultural Science Review 3:32-35. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1966. Nezara viridula (L.). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(2):124. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1966. Hawaii insect report. USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 16(14):286. [E]

Mitchell, W. C. 1968. Coptosoma xanthogramma (White), Euglandina rosea (Férussac) and Nezara viridula (Linnaeus). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 20(1):10. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1968. Nezara viridula L. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 20(1):11. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. 1968. Eumerus figurans (Walker), subterranean termite and Nezara viridula. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 20(1):18. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. 1970. Nezara viridula (L.). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 20(3):479. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. and D. A. Ironside. 1982. Insects and other animals reported on macadamia. California Macadamia Society Yearbook 28:36-72. [pdf]

Mitchell, W. C. and R. F. L. Mau. 1969. Sexual activity and longevity of the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 62(6):1246-1247. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C. and R. F. L. Mau. 1971. Response of the female southern green stink bug and its parasite, Trichopoda pennipes, to male stink bug pheromones. Journal of Economic Entomology 64(4):856-859. [xerox]

Mitchell, W. C., R. M. Warner, and E. T. Fukunaga. 1965. Southern green stink bugs, Nezara viridula (L.) injury to macadamia nuts. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19:103-109. [xerox]

Mitchell, [W. C.] and [E.] Yoshioka. 1966. Hawaii insect report. USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 16(14):286. [E]

Mitra, B., S. K. Shah, and P. Mishra. 2018. Insect fauna associated with the tea ecosystem of North Bengal, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 118(2):178-193. [pdf]

Mitra, T. R. 1992. Biogeographical analysis of entomofauna of the Great Nicobar Island, Indian Ocean. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Calcutta) 45(Suppl. A):501-508. [Abstr. Ent. 24(12)]

Mitsuhashi, S. 1915. A List of Pentatomidae of Japan. Insect World 19(11):481-484. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Mitsuhashi, S. 1915. A List of Pentatomidae of Japan (continued). Insect World 19(12):523-528. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Mittal, O. P. and L. Joseph. 1981. Chromosome number and sex-mechanism in twenty-eight species of Indian pentatomid bugs. Chromosome Information Service, no. 30:6-7. [pdf]

Mittal, O. P. and L. Joseph. 1982. The nature and behaviour of holokinetic chromosomes during meiosis in three species of Coptosoma (Plataspidae, Heteroptera). Cytobios 34:135-144. [xerox]

Mittal, O. P. and L. Joseph. 1984. Chromosome complement in a cydnid bug, Lactistes truncato-serratus Sign. with special reference to the karyotype evolution in Cydnidae. Current Science 53(3):154-155. [xerox]

Mittal, O. P. and L. Joseph. 1984. Morphometric analysis of the chromosomes in three species of male plataspidid bugs (Plataspididae: Heteroptera). Caryologia 37(4):393-400. [reprint]

Mittapelly, P., R. Bansal, and A. Michel. 2019. Differential expression of cytochrome P450 CYP6 genes in the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 112(3):1403-1410. [pdf]

Mityushev, I. M. 2016. First record of marmorated bug detection in Russia. Zashchita I Karantin Rasteniĭ 3:48. [in Russian; pdf]

Miura, A., M. Furuno, D. Kuki, and K. Itoyama. 2021. Comparisons of parasitism and development properties of Trissolcus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) reared on eggs of three species of fruit-piercing stink bugs. Applied Entomology and Zoology [early online version; pdf]

Miura, K., H. Iida, K. Imai, S. Lyon, R. Reardon, and K. Fujisaki. 2008. Herbivorous insect fauna of mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata (Polygonaceae), in Japan. Florida Entomologist 91(2):319-323. [pdf]

Miyagi, M., T. Nakane, and T. Ueno. 1954. Collecting in Tokara. Shin Konchu 7(2):28-34. [in Japanese; pdf]

Miyahira, N. 1965. Trichopoda pennipes Fabricius. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 19(1):28. [xerox]

Miyahira, N. 1966. Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 16(46):1069. [E]

Miyahira, N. 1967. A tachina fly (Trichopoda pennipes var. pilipes). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 17(22):473. [E]

Miyahira, N. 1968. Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 18(23):503. [E]

Miyahira, N. 1968. A tachina fly (Trichopoda pennipes). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 18(27):624. [E]

Miyahira, N. 1969. Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 19(14):241. [E]

Miyahira, N. and [J.] Ah Sam. 1968. Tachina flies (Trichopoda pennipes and T. pennipes var. pilipes). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 18(41):966. [E]

Miyahira, N. and [J.] Ah Sam. 1969. Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula). USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 19(6):72. [E]

Miyahira, Yamamoto, Sumida, and Yoshioka. 1966. Hawaii insect report. USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 16(12):231. [E]

Miyamoto, K. and A. Kosaku. 2002. Cuticular microstructures and their relationship to structural color in the shieldbug Poecilocoris lewisi Distant. Forma 17:155-167. [computer copy]

Miyamoto, S. 1954. [Japanese] (Hem.: Pentatomidae). Pulex (3):10. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1955. [Japanese] (Hem.: Cydnidae). Pulex (6):21-22. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1955. [Japanese] (Hem.: Pentatomidae). Pulex (6):22. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1955. [Japanese] (Hem.: Thyreocoridae). Pulex (6):23. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1955. Food habits of Macroscytus japonensis. Pulex (6):23-24. [in Japanese; Schaefer 1988]

Miyamoto, S. 1956. On the discovery of Parastrachia japonensis Scott eggs. Kontyf 24(4):232. [in Japanese; xerox]

Miyamoto, S. 1956. (Hem.: Pentatomidae). Pulex (9):35. [in Japanese; xerox]

Miyamoto, S. 1956. [Japanese] (Hem.: Pentatomidae). Pulex (10):39-40. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1956. Dissecting bugs. Shin Konchû 9(4):18-23. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Miyamoto, S. 1957. [Japanese] (Hem.: Pentatomidae). Pulex (16):62-63. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1957. List of ovariole numbers in Japanese Heteroptera. Sieboldia 2(1):69-82. [in Japanese; xerox]

Miyamoto, S. 1959. Additions and corrections to my "List of ovariole numbers in Japanese Heteroptera." Sieboldia 2(2):83-161. [in Japanese; xerox]

Miyamoto, S. 1961. Comparative morphology of the alimentary organs of Heteroptera with phylogenetic considerations. Sieboldia 2(4):197-259. [xerox]

Miyamoto, S. 1962. Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum Colore naturali edita. Vol. 3. H. Inove (ed.) 76 + 358 pp, 156 pls. [in Japanese; pdf]

Miyamoto, S. 1963. Heteropterous insects from Iran and Afghanistan. Results of the Kyoto University Scientific Expedition to the Karakoram and Hindukush, 1955 4(4):89-92. [xerox]

Miyamoto, S. 1964. Heteroptera collected by the Second Kyushu University Expedition to the Yaeyama Group, 1963 (excluding the Lygaeidae and Reduviidae). Rep. Commit. Foreign Sci. Res. Kyushu Univ. (2):99-110. [Miyamoto bibliography - 1991 Rostria (41)]

Miyamoto, S. 1965. Emergence of Poecilocoris lewisi Distant within the year. Rostria 12:50. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Miyamoto, S. 1965. Heteropterous insects of Formosa collected by Dr. Shirozu and others, 1961. Special Bulletin of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 1:227-238. [xerox: 227-231]

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Moreira, L. A., J. C. Zanuncio, and A. J. Molina-Rugama. 1998. Dados biológicos de Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) alimentado com a lagarta do Maracujazeiro Dione juno juno (Cramer). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 27(4):645-647. [pdf]

Moreira, L. A., J. C. Zanuncio, M. C. Picanco, and C. H. Bruckner. 1995. Life and fecundity of the predator Tynacantha marginata Dallas (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) reared with Tenebrio molitor L. larvae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) and Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake leaves. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 12(2):255-261. [pdf]

Moreira, L. A., J. C. Zanuncio, M. C. Picanco, and R. N. C. Guedes. 1997. Effect of Eucalyptus feeding in the development, survival and reproduction of Tynacantha marginata (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical 44-45(3-1):253-257. [pdf]

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Moreira, R. P., R. B. Palharini, G. S. Massoli, L. H. M. Diniz, D. N. Godoy, L. F. Warpechowski, E. A. Steinhaus, G. R. Stürmer, and O. Bernardi. 2024. Geographic and interspecific variation in susceptibility of Euschistus heros and Diceraeus furcatus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to selected insecticides in southern Brazil. Crop Protection 179(106625): 7 pp. [pdf]

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Mori, H. 1970. The distribution of the columnar serosa of eggs among the families of Heteroptera, in relation to phylogeny and systematics. Japanese Journal of Zoology 16(1):89-98. [xerox]

Mori, H. 1979. Embryonic hemocytes: origin and development; pp. 3-27, in: A. P. Gupta (ed.), Insect hemocytes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London, etc. x + 614 pp. [Zool. Rec. 1980]

Mori, H. 1986. Water absorption by eggs and serosal specialization as clues to evolutionary trends in Heteroptera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79(3):456-459. [D]

Mori, K. M. Amaike, and J. E. Oliver. 1992. Pheromone Synthesis, CXLIII. Synthesis and absolute configuration of the hemiacetal pheromone of the spined citrus bug Biprorulus bibax. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1992(11):1185-1190. [CAB Abstr. 93-7/95; N]

Mori, K., M. Amaike, and H. Watanabe. 1993. New synthesis and revision of the absolute configuration of the hemiacetal pheromone of the spined citrus bug Biprorulus bibax. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1993(12):1287-1294. [CAB Abstr. 93-7/95; N]

Mori, K. and N. Murata. 1994. Pheromone synthesis, CLXII. Synthesis of methyl 2,6,10-trimethyltridecanoate, the male-produced pheromone of the stink bugs, Euschistus heros and E. obscurus, as a stereoisomeric mixture. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1994(6):637-639. [reprint]

Mori, K. and N. Murata. 1994. Pheromone synthesis, CLXVII. Synthesis of all of the eight stereoisomers of methyl 2,6,10-trimethyltridecanoate, the male-produced pheromone of the stink bugs, Euschistus heros and E. obscurus. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1994:1153-1160. [reprint]

Mori, K. and J. Wu. 1991. Pheromone synthesis: CXXXI. Synthesis of the four stereoisomers of 6,10,13-trimethyl-1-tetradecanol, the aggregation pheromone of predatory stink bug, Stiretrus anchorago. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1991(8):783-788. [reprint]

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Morimoto, N., M. Fujino, N. Tanahashi, and H. Kishino. 1991. Coexistence of the two closely related species of cabbage stink bug, Eurydema rugosum and E. pulchrum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in the field in central Japan. I. Distribution, life cycle and host plant preferences of the two species. Applied Entomology and Zoology 26(4):435-442. [reprint]

Morimoto, N. and N. Tanahashi. 1991. Developmental zero and total effective temperature of the two closely related species of cabbage stink bug, Eurydema rugosum and E. pulchrum. Shinshu Daigaku Nogakubu kiyo 28(2):63-68. [in Japanese; xerox]

Morishita, M. 2002. Forecasting the population density of two stink bugs, Plautia crossota stali (Scott) and Glaucias subpunctatus (Walker) by using airborne pollen counts of Sugi. Shokubutsu Boeki 56(8):340-343. [in Japanese; Zool. Rec. 138]

Morishita, M., T. Enomoto, H. Komatsu, K. Naka, H. Ohashi, K. Shimazu, and Y. Masuda. 2001. Forecasting the population density of two stink bugs, Plautia crossota stali Scott and Glaucias subpunctatus (Walker) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), by using airborne pollen counts of sugi (Cryptomerica japonica). Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 45(3):143-148. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Morishita, M., T. Enomoto, T. Minakata, H. Komatsu, H. Tsuda, Y. Wada, and Y. Tajima. 2007. Forecasting damage to persimmon fruit by stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), by using airborne pollen counts of Japanese Cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 51(1):21-27. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Morishita, M. and T. Minakata. 2007. Efficiency of sweeping method in capturing oriental stink bug, Plautia crossota stali Scott on cone of Japanese cyprus, Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl. Annual Report of the Kansai Plant Protection Society, no. 49:65-66. [in Japanese; CAB abstracts]

Morisita, T. 1954. Notes on the haemoflagellate (Trypanosomidae; Crithidia) from the bug (Erthesina fullo). Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology 7(2):135-137. [pdf]

Morita, A. and H. Numata. 1999. Localization of the photoreceptor for photoperiodism in the stink bug, Plautia crossota stali. Physiological Entomology 24(2):189-195. [reprint]

Moriya, S. 1986. A method for successive rearing of Plautia stali Scott and its technical problems. Shokubutsu Boeki 40(4):195-199. [in Japanese; xerox]

Moriya, S. 1987. Automatic data acquisition systems for study of the flight ability of brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali Scott (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 22(1):19-24. [xerox]

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Moriya, S. 1995. Ecological studies on the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali Scott, with special reference to its occurrence and adult movement. Bull. Okinawa Agric. Expt. Stn., suppl. no. 5:1-135. [Funayama 2004]

Moriya, S. 1998. Destruction of hibernation sites for Calliphara nobilis (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) in Okinawa Island, Japan. Rostria (47):42. [in Japanese; xerox]

Moriya, S. 2005. Searching for overwintering sites of Riptortus clavatus (Thunberg) and Piezodorus hybneri (Gmelin) by re-analyzing litter samples originally collected at coppice forest floors for other kinds of stink bugs to estimate their overwintering densities. Annual Report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society, no. 52:73-76. [in Japanese; CAB abstracts; Plautia crossota stali, Poecilocoris lewisi, Acanthosoma denticauda, and Sastragala esakii]

Moriya, S., M. Mabuchi, and M. Shiga. 1993. Seasonal and annual fluctuations of the numbers of the brown-winged stink bug, Plautia stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and its parasitoid, Gymnosoma rotundata L. (Diptera: Phasiidae) attracted by adult males of the former species. Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station, no. 24:73-90. [in Japanese; reprint]

Moriya, S. and N. Ohkubo. 1987. Preliminary note on the rearing of Poecilocoris splendidulus Esaki (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with a substitute diet. Rostria (38):558. [in Japanese; xerox]

Moriya, S., H. Okano, and T. Nakagawa. 1987. Successive rearing of Poecilocoris lewisi (Distant) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with a substitute diet. Rostria (38):553-557. [in Japanese; xerox]

Moriya, S. and M. Shiga. 1980. A marking method for Plautia stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) using a handy micro-grinder with waterproof ink. Applied Entomology and Zoology 15(2):186-187. [xerox]

Moriya, S. and M. Shiga. 1980. Migration and seasonal trend of Plautia stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) among its feeding plants. Proceedings of the International Congress of Entomology 16:258. [Abstract; xerox]

Moriya, S. and M. Shiga. 1984. Attraction of the male brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) for males and females of the same species. Applied Entomology and Zoology 19(3):317-322. [xerox]

Moriya, S. and M. Shiga. 1986. Overwintering adult density and distribution in Plautia stali (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and relationships of size of adult populations between the period of overwintering and the following spring-summer season. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 30(2):106-110. [in Japanese; xerox]

Moriya, S., M. Shiga, and M. Mabuchi. 1985. A method for successive rearing of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali Scott (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station (A)12:133-143. [in Japanese; xerox]

Moriya, S., M. Shiga, and M. Mabuchi. 1987. Analysis of light trap records in four major species of fruit-piercing stink bugs, with special reference to body size variation in trapped adults of Plautia stali Scott. Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station (A)14:79-94. [in Japanese; xerox]

Morkel, C. 1998. Zur Wanzenfauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) des NSG "Im Pfaffendriesch" im Vogelsberg (Hessen). Hessische Faunistische Briefe 17(2-3):21-32. [Zool. Rec.]

Morkel, C. 2001. Zur Wanzenfauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) des Kellerwaldes am Edersee (Hessen). Philippia 10(1):65-78. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2002. Die Wanzenfauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) extensiv schafbeweideter Grünlandparzellen bei Stornfels im Vogelsberg (Hessen). Philippia 10(2):101-118. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2006. Wanzen (Insecta: Heteroptera) vom Halberg bei Neumorschen (Nordhessen, Fuldatal). Philippia 12(3):225-232. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2019. Wanzen (Insecta: Heteroptera) vom Haimberg bei Mittelrode (Osthessen), mit Anmerkungen zur landesweiten Verbreitung ausgewählter Arten. Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen 55-56:169-186. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2019. Bestandsaufnahme der Wanzenfauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) einer Agrarlandschaft im Naturraum Westhessische Senke. Philippia 17(4):289-347. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2020. Wanzen (Insecta: Heteroptera) als indikatoren zur Erfolgskontrolle des Biotopmanagements in naturschutzfachlich relevanten Lebensräumen im Kreis Höxter (Nordrhein-Westfalen). Beiträge zur Naturkunde zwischen Weser und Egge 28:16-67. [pdf]

Morkel, C., B. Aukema, W. H. O. Dorow, F. Faraci, P. Göricke, M. M. Gossner, V. Hartung, H.-J. Hoffmann, H. Kallenborn, W. Kleinsteuber, S. Küchler, W. Rabitsch, C. Rieger, U. Rieger, S. Roth, P. Schäfer, A. Schneider, H. Simon, L. Simon, M. Stemmer, G. Tymann, K. Voigt, E. Wachmann, H. Winkelmann, and G. Zimmermann. 2018. Wanzenfunde (Insecta: Heteroptera) aus Nordhessen anlässlich des 43. Treffens der “Arbeitsgruppe Mitteleuropäischer Heteropterologen” im August 2017. Philippia 17(3):219-264. [pdf]

Morkel, C. and W. H. O. Dorow. 2017. Die Marmorierte Baumwanze Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) hat Hessen erreicht. Heteropteron 49:16-17. [pdf]

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Morkel, C. and C. Renker. 2019. Erste Funde der Grünen Reiswanze Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) und Etablierung der Marmorierten Baumwanze Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) in Hessen (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Heteropteron 54:13-20. [pdf]

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Morris, M. G. 1979. Responses of grassland invertebrates to management by cutting. II. Heteroptera. Journal of Applied Ecology 16(2):417-432. [E, N]

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Morris, R. F. 1963. The effect of predator age and prey defense on the functional response of Podisus maculiventris Say to the density of Hyphantria cunea Drury. Canadian Entomologist 95:1009-1020. [reprint]

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Morrison, W. R. III, M. Allen, and T. C. Leskey. 2018. Behavioural response of the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to host plant stimuli augmented with semiochemicals in the field. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 20:62-72. [pdf]

Morrison, W. R. III, A. N. Bryant, B. Poling, N. F. Quinn, and T. C. Leskey. 2017. Predation of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) from web-building spiders associated with anthropogenic dwellings. Journal of Insect Behavior 30:70-85. [pdf]

Morrison, W. R. III, J. P. Cullum, and T. C. Leskey. 2015. Evaluation of trap designs and deployment strategies for capturing Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 108(4):1683-1692. [pdf]

Morrison, W. R. III, D-h. Lee, B. D. Short, A. Khrimian, and T. C. Leskey. 2016. Establishing the behavioral basis for an attract-and-kill strategy to manage the invasive Halyomorpha halys in apple orchards. Journal of Pest Science 89:81-96. [pdf]

Morrison, W. R. III, P. Milonas, D. E. Kapantaidaki, M. Cesari, E. Di Bella, R. Guidetti, T. Haye, L. Maistrello, S. T. Moraglio, L. Piemontese, A. Pozzebon, G. Ruocco, B. D. Short, L. Tavella, G. Vétek, and T. C. Leskey. 2017. Attraction of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) haplotypes in North America and Europe to baited traps. Scientific Reports 7(16941):1-11. [pdf]

Morrison, W. R. III, C-g. Park, B. Y. Seo, Y-l. Park, H. G. Kim, K. B. Rice, D-h. Lee, and T. C. Leskey. 2017. Attraction of the invasive Halyomorpha halys in its native Asian range to traps baited with semiochemical stimuli. Journal of Pest Science 90(4):1205-1217. [pdf]

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Moscardi, F. and D. R. Sosa-Gomez. 1996. Soybean in Brazil. Pp. 98-112, in: Biotechnology in Agriculture Series 15; Biotechnology and Integrated Pest Management, CAB International, Wallingford, England, xvi + 475 pp. [reprint]

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Moskowitz, D. P. 2002. An unusual interaction between a banded hairstreak butterfly Satyrium calanus (Lycaenidae) and a stink bug Banasa dimiata (Pentatomidae). Entomological News 113(3):183-186. [pdf]

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Müller, P. L. S. 1774. Des Ritters Carl von Linné Königlisch Schwedischen Leibanztes u. u. vollständiges Natursystem nach der zwölften lateinischen Ausgabe und nach Anleitung des holländischen Houttuyischen Werks mit einer ausführlichen Erklärung. Vol. 5(1) Raspe, Nurnberg. [xerox: Heteroptera part]

Müller, P. L. S. 1776. Des Ritters Carl von Linné Königlisch Schwedischen Leibanztes u. u. vollständigen Natursystems Supplements und Register Band über alle sechs Theile oder Classen des Thierreichs mit einer ausführlichen Erklarrung ausgefertiget. Vol. 5(1) Raspe, Nurnberg. [xerox: Heteroptera part]

Mullett, R. P. 1952. Stink bugs - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 2(22):308. [pdf; nothing to catalog]

Mullett, R. P. 1953. Harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica) - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 3(28):519. [pdf]

Mullett, R. P. 1953. Stink bugs - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 3(30):558. [pdf; nothing to catalog]

Mullett, R. P. 1956. Stink bugs - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 6(28):666. [pdf; nothing to catalog]

Mullett, R. P. 1956. Harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica) - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 6(29):695. [pdf]

Mullett, R. P. 1956. Stink bugs - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 6(29):696. [pdf; nothing to catalog]

Mullett, R. P. 1960. Harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica) - Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 10(19):359. [pdf]

Mullett, R. P., W. W. Stanley, and A. P. Morris. 1953. Summary of insect conditions - 1952. Tennessee. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 3(5):65-67. [pdf]

Mullick, D. B. 1977. The non-specific nature of defense in bark and wood during wounding, insect and pathogen attack. Recent Adv. Phytochem. 11:395-442. [Zool. Rec. 1980]

Mulsant, E. and C. Rey. 1852. Description de quelques HémiptPres HétéroptPres nouveaux ou peu connus. Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 1852:76-141, 311 (erata). [also published in 1852 in Opuscules Entomologique 1:95-160; pdf - both versions]

Mulsant, E. and C. Rey. 1856. Description de quelques HémiptPres-HétéroptPres nouveaux ou peu connus. Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (ns) 3:119-132. [also published in 1852 in Opuscules Entomologique 7:119-132; pdf - both versions]

Mulsant, E. and C. Rey. 1863. Description d'une espPce nouvelle d'HémiptPre. Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (ns) 10:185-186. [also published in 1863 in Opuscules Entomologique 13:185-186; pdf - OP version]

Mulsant, E. and C. Rey. 1865. Histoire Naturelle des Punaises de France. Vol. I. Scutéllérides. F. Savy & Deyrolle, Paris. 112 pp. [reprinted 1866 in Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (Paris) (2)12:285-412; pdf - book version]

Mulsant, E. and C. Rey. 1866. Histoire Naturelle des Punaises de France. Vol. II. Pentatomides. F. Savy & Deyrolle, Paris. 372 pp. [reprinted 1867 in Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (Paris) (2)14:1-296; pdf - book version]

Mulsant, E. and C. Rey. 1872. Description d’une espPce nouvelle de Pentatomide.  Annales de la Société Linnéene de Lyon (ns) 18[1870-1871]:99-101. [also published in 1872 in Opuscules Entomologique 14:123-125; pdf - OP version]

Muluvhahothe, M. M., E. Joubert, and S. H. Foord. 2023. Thermal tolerance responses of the two-spotted stink bug, Bathycoelia distincta (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), vary with life stage and the sex of adults. Journal of Thermal Biology 111(103395): 9 pp. [pdf]

Muluvhahothe, M. M., E. Joubert, and S. H. Foord. 2024. The effects of temperature on the development and survival of Bathycoelia distincta (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), a significant pest of macadamia in South Africa. Insects 15(152): 13 pp. [pdf]

Muma, M. H., A. G. Selhime, and H. A. Denmark. 1961. An annotated list of predators and parasites associated with insects and mites on Florida citrus. Fla. Agr. Expt. Stn. Bull. 634: 39 pp. [E; Herting 1972; Nezara viridula]

Muma, M. H., A. G. Selhime, and H. A. Denmark. 1971. An annotated list of predators and parasites associated with insects and mites on Florida citrus. Fla. Agr. Expt. Stn. Bull. 634A: 48 pp. [E]

Muminov, N. N. 1961. Some data on the fauna present (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) Darvazskoy Khrebt. Proceedings of the Institute of Ecologii and Parasitologii, E.N. Pavlovian en Tadzhikskoi SSR 20:91-96. [in russian; pdf]

Muminov, N. N. 1961. New species of true bugs (Heteroptera) from Tadzhikistan. Reports Doklady Acad. Sci. (Tadzhik) 4(5):41. [Slater, 1964]

Muminov, N. N. 1975. Concerning the semi-rigid winged insects (Heteroptera) of Afghanistan. Izvestia AN Tadzh. SSR, Biol., no. 3(60):38-41. [in russian; pdf]

Muminov, N. N. 1986. New data on biology of the earth bug Stibaropus henkei (Sak) (Heteroptera, Cydnidae). Dokl. Akad. Nauk Tadzh. SSR 29(7):433. [in russian; Zool. Rec. 1987-88]

Muminov, N. N. 1998. Ecological features of Heteroptera in the reserve "Tigrovaya Balka." Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Respubliki Tadzhikistan Otdelenie Biologicheskikh i Meditsinskikh Nauk 139(3):20-23. [Abstr. Ent. 30(10)]

Münch, D. and M. Münch. 2007. Neue und ehemals selten nachgewiesene Wanzenarten (Heteroptera) in Sachsen. Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift 2:13-36. [pdf]

Mundinger, F. G. 1940. Pentatomids attacking tomatoes and experiments on their control. Journal of Economic Entomology 33(2):275-278. [xerox]

Mundinger, F. G. and P. J. Chapman. 1932. Plant bugs as pests of pear and other fruits in the Hudson Valley. Journal of Economic Entomology 25:655-658. [xerox]

Munguía Hernandez, J. de la C. 1990. El género Loxa Amyot & Serville (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) en Cuba. Revista Centro Agricola 17(2):59-77. [pdf]

Munguía Hernández, J. de la C. 1991. Revisión del género Mecidea (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) en Cuba. Revista Centro Agrícola 18(1):23-37. [internet]

Munguía Hernández, J. de la C. 1991. Estudio del género Modicia Stal (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) en Cuba. Revista Centro Agrícola 18(1):63-80. [pdf]

Munk, C. 1986. Beitrag zur Heteropterenfauna von Hecken, Rainen und landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen bei Moers (Niederrhein). Decheniana 139:241-252. [xerox]

Munro, J. A. 1960. A special survey of Bolivian insects. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 10(45):1061-1072. [pdf]

Munro, J. A. and H. S. Telford. 1943. Spraying and dusting potatoes. Part I. To control potato insects. North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 319:1-13. [McPherson 1982; N]

Munson, R. E., G. W. Thomas, and F. E. Wood. 1960. Harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica) - Missouri. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 10(30):682. [pdf]

Munson, R. E., G. W. Thomas, and F. E. Wood. 1962. Stink bugs - Missouri. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 12(37):1016. [pdf; nothing to catalog]

Munson, R. E., G. W. Thomas, and F. E. Wood. 1963. Stink bugs - Missouri. USDA Cooperative Economic Insect Report 13(36):1046. [pdf]

Muntyan, E. M. and I. G. Yazlovetskii. 1994. Digestive carbohydrases in larval predaceous bugs, Podisus maculiventris and Perillus bioculatus. Zh. Evol. Biokhim. Fiziol. 30:161-167. [in Russian; Het. Econ. Imp.]

Munyaneza, J. and J. E. McPherson. 1994. Comparative study of life histories, laboratory rearing, and immature stages of Euschistus servus and Euschistus variolarius (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). The Great Lakes Entomologist 26(4):263-274. [reprint]

Munyaneza, J. and J. J. Obrycki. 1997. Reproductive response of Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) eggs. Environmental Entomology 26(6):1270-1275. [Curr. Cont.]

Muraji, M., K. Kawasaki, and T. Shimizu. 2000. Phylogenetic utility of nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b genes in anthocorid bugs (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 35(3):293-300. [Abst. Ent. 31(12); CAB Abstr.; Nezara viridula was outgroup]

Muraji, M., K. Kawasaki, and T. Shimizu. 2000. Nucleotide sequence variation and phylogenetic utility of the mitochondrial COI fragment in anthocorid bugs (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 35(3):301-307. [Abst. Ent. 31(12); Nezara viridula was outgroup]

Muraji, M., K. Kawasaki, and T. Shimizu. 2001. Nucleotide sequence variation and use of mitochondrial DNA for phylogenetic analysis in anthorcorid bugs (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). JARQ 35(2):85-90. [Abstr. Ent. 32(8); Nezara viridula was outgroup]

Murakami, M., K. Tsuda, and K. Kusigemati. 2000. Biological studies of the pests feeding on Gynura bicolor (Willd.) DC. (Asteraceae) III. List of feeding species, seasonal abundance and damage-occurrence in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1998 and 1999. South Pacific Study 20(2):13-41. [in Japanese; pdf]

Muraki, Y., T. Taguri, M. Yamamoto, P. H. G. Zarbin, and T. Ando. 2013. Synthesis of all four stereoisomers of 6,10,13-trimethyltetradecan-2-one, a sex pheromone component produced by males of the stink bug Pallantia macunaima. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013:2209-2215. [pdf]

Muramoto, N. 1973. A list of chromosome numbers of heteropteran insects of Japan. Chromosome Information Service, no. 14:29-31. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1973. [A chromosome study in eighteen Japanese Heteropterans]. La Kromosomo 91:2896-2905. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1975. A preliminary note on the giemsa bands of the chromosomes of two heteropteran insects. Chromosome Information Service, no. 18:33-35. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1976. A comparative study of C bands in some species of Heteroptera and Orthoptera. Chromosome Information Service, no. 20:34-35. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1978. A chromosome study of thirty Japanese heteropterans (Heteroptera). Genetica 49(1):37-44. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1978. Notes on the giemsa-banded chromosomes in some heteropteran insects. Proc. Japan Acad. (B)54:101-105. [Kerzhner list]

Muramoto, N. 1978. [On the sperm-tail of heteropteran insects (Heteroptera)]. Rostria (29):238-239. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1979. On the structure of insect sperm tails. Zool. Mag. Tokyo 88(4):642. [Abst.] [Zool. Rec. 1979]

Muramoto, N. 1979. A chromosome study of 15 species of Heteroptera from Australia and Japan. La Kromosomo 2(14):390-397. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1980. A study of the C-banded chromosomes in some species of heteropteran insects. Proc. Jap. Acad. (B)56(3):125-130. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1981. A chromosome study of thirteen species of heteropteran insects (Heteroptera). La Kromosomo 2(23):668-675. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1982. A list of the chromosome numbers of heteropteran insects (Heteroptera; Hemiptera) in Japan. La Kromosomo 2(26):789-797. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1983. Notes on chromosome abnormalities and polyploidies induced by low temperature in Eurydema rugosa (Heteroptera). La Kromosomo 2(30-31):931-934. [xerox]

Muramoto, N. 1985. A study of the holocentric chromosomes by a simple method for differential stain. Proc. of Japan Acad. (B)61:215-218. [Kerzhner list]

Muramoto, N. and J. Mizoguchi. 1980. Photo- and electron-microscopic observations of the abnormal spermatozoa of Palomena angulosa Motschulsky (Heteroptera, Hemiptera). Kontyf 48(4):545-548. [xerox]

Murano, N. 2000. The flora and fauna of Nopporo Forest Park. Journal of Rakuno Gakuen University 25(1):133-200. [in Japanese; computer copy]

Muraoka, M., H. Tsuru, H. Nakamura, and K. Yamatsu. 1987. Changes in the density of the fruit-piercing stink bugs on the Japanese cypress, the leaf litter and the number of bugs attracted by a light trap in Saga Prefecture during 1974-86. Proc. Assoc. Plant Prot. Kyushu 33:181-188. [in Japanese; Zool. Rec. 1989-90]

Muraro, D. S., A. S. Guidolin, J. V. S. Cruz, J. B. Malaquias, O. Bernardi, and C. Omoto. 2024. Investigating life history and predation defense costs associated with emamectin benzoate resistance in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Crop Protection 184(106852): 7 pp. [pdf]

Murata, K. and K. Nohara. 2003. Effect of the natural enemies and habitat conditions on the populations of Shijimiaeoides divinus asonis (Matsumura) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Japanese Journal of Entomology (ns) 6(2):89-99. [Biological Abstracts; Menida violacea]

Murillo, R. M., J. G. Palacios, J. M. Labougle, E. M. Hentschel, J. E. Llorente, K. Luna, P. Rojas, and S. Zamudio. 1983. Variacion estacional de la entomofauna asociada a Tillandsia spp. en una zona de transicion biotica. Southwestern Entomologist 8(4):292-302. [xerox]

Murray, J. 1915. Cumberland Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 51:145-146. [computer copy]

Murray, J. 1916. Cumberland Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 52:66. [computer copy]

Murray, J. 1917. Cumberland Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 53:112-113. [computer copy]

Murray, J. 1935. Dumfriesshire Hemiptera-Heteroptera in 1934. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 71:164. [xerox]

Murray, J. 1937. Dumfriesshire Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 73:234-235. [xerox]

Murthy, K. S. R. K. 2007. Chemical control of rice black bug Scotinophara coarctata. Pp. 435-456, in: Joshi, R. C., A. T. Barrion, and L. S. Sebastian (eds.), Rice Black Bugs. Taxonomy, Ecology, and Management of Invasive Species. Philippine Rice Research Institute, Science City of MuZoz, Philippines. 793 pp. [shelf]

Murvanidze, M., G. Krawczyk, N. Inasaridze, L. Dekanoidze, N. Samsonadze, M. Macharashvili, S. Khutsishvili, and S. Shengelaia. 2019. Preliminary data on the biology of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in Georgia. Turkish Journal of Zoology 42:617-624. [pdf]

Musgrave, A. 1930. Contributions to the knowledge of Australian Hemiptera. No. II. A revision of the subfamily Graphosomatinae (family Pentatomidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 17:317-341. [pdf]

Musgrave, A. 1932. Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775-1930 with Bibliographical Notes on Authors and Collectors. Sydney, Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., 380 pp.

Musgrave, A. 1945. The Simpson Desert Expedition, 1939. Scientific reports: No. 4. Biology - Hemiptera. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Adelaide 69:14-15. [xerox]

Mushongahande, M. 1999. Tussock moths (Orgyia sp.) infestation of Pinus patula at Sheba estate. ForMat 11(2):1-4. [CAB Abstr.; Macroraphis spurcata]

Mushtaq, S. 1996. External morphology of Chrysocoris stockerus (Linn.) (Scutelleridae: Homoptera). Pakistan Entomologist 18(1-2):5-16. [pdf]

Mushtaq, S., M. Moizuddin, and I. Ahmad. 1975. Nymphal morphology of Chrysocoris stockerus (Linnaeus) (Scutelleridae: Pentatomoidea: Heteroptera) of Pakistan. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Karachi 4-5:40-46. [pdf]

Mushtaque, M. and G. M. Baloch. 1981. Insects and other organisms associated with hemp in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan Entomologist 3(1-2):51-54. [pdf]

Musolff, W. 1952-1953. Die postembrynola Entwicklung von Piezodorus lituratus F. unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umfärbung und ihrer Variabilität. Dipl. Arbeit Berlin. [Altenkirch 1965]

Musolff, W. 1956. Färbungsänderungen der Jugendstadien der Blattwanze Piezodorus lituratus F. Naturwissenschaften 43:117. [Altenkirch 1965; N]

Musolin, D. L. 1996. Photoperiodic induction of aestivation in the stink bug Picromerus bidens (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae): A preliminary report. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 75(12):1901-1904. [in Russian; reprint]

Musolin, D. L. 2005. The southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) expands its distribution range, not only in the U.K. Het News (2)5:2-3. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L. 2007. Insects in a warmer world: Ecological, physiological and life-history responses of true bugs (Heteroptera) to climate change. Global Change Biology 13:1565-1585. [computer copy]

Musolin, D. L. 2012. Surviving winter: Diapause syndrome in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula in the laboratory, in the field, and under climate change conditions. Physiological Entomology 37:309-322. [computer copy]

Musolin, D. L. 2017. Shieldbugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea): A variety of seasonal adaptations, control mechanisms, seasonal development and responses to climate change. Ph.D. dissertation, St. Petersburg State Forestry University, 435 pp. [in Russian; pdf]

Musolin, D. L., M. Y. Dolgovskaya, V. Y. Protsenko, N. N. Karpun, S. Y. Reznik, and A. K. Saulich. 2019. Photoperiodic and temperature control of nymphal growth and adult diapause induction in the invasive Caucasian population of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys. Journal of Pest Science 92:621-631. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L., M. Y. Dolgovskaya, V. Y. Zakharchenko, N. N. Karpun, T. Haye, A. K. Saulich, and S. Y. Reznik. 2022. Flying over Eurasia: Geographic variation and photoperiodic control of nymphal development and adult diapause induction in native and invasive populations of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Insects 13(522): 15 pp. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L. and K. Fujisaki. 2006. Changes in ranges: Trends in distribution of true bugs (Heteroptera) under conditions of the current climate warming. Russian Entomological Journal 15(2):175-179. [Musolin email]

Musolin, D. L., K. Fujisaki, and H. Numata. 2007. Photoperiodic control of diapause termination colour change and postdiapause reproduction in the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula. Physiological Entomology 32(1):64-72. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L., N. I. Kirichenko, N. N. Karpun, E. V. Aksenenko, V. B. Golub, I. A. Kerchev, M. Y. Mandelshtam, R. Vasaitis, M. G. Volkovitsh, E. N. Zhuravleva, and A. V. Selikhovkin. 2022. Invasive insect pests of forests and urban trees in Russia: Origin, pathways, damage and management. Forests 13(521): 63 pp. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L., A. Konjević, N. N. Karpun, V. Y. Protsenko, L. Y. Ayba, and A. K. Saulich. 2018. Invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Russia, Abkhazia, and Serbia: history of invasion, range expansion, early stages of establishment, and first records of damage to local crops. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12:517-529. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L. and H. Numata. 2003. Timing of diapause induction and its life-history consequences in Nezara viridula: is it costly to expand the distribution range? Ecological Entomology 28(6):694-703. [computer copy]

Musolin, D. L. and H. Numata. 2003. Photoperiodic and temperature control of diapause induction and colour change in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula. Physiological Entomology 28(2):65-74. [computer copy]

Musolin, D. L. and H. Numata. 2004. Late-season induction of diapause in Nezara viridula and its effect on adult coloration and post-diapause reproductive performance. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 111(1):1-6. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 1995. Factorial regulation of the seasonal cycle of the stink bug Graphosoma lineatum L. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). 1. Temperature and photoperiodic responses. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 74(4):736-743. [in Russian; Engl. transl.: 1996, Entomological Review 75(9):84-93; xerox (Ent. Obozr. version)]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 1995. Temperature and geographical variation of Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) photoperiodic response. 2nd Europ. Workshop Ecophysiol. Invertebr. - Abstracts, p. 59. [xerox]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 1996. Photoperiodic control of seasonal development in bugs (Heteroptera). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 75(3):489-506. [xerox]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 1997. Photoperiodic control of nymphal growth in true bugs (Heteroptera). Zoologichesky Zhurnal 76(5):530-542. [in Russian; Engl. transl.: 1997, Entomological Review 77(6):768-780; xerox (Ent. Rev. version)]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 1999. Diversity of seasonal adaptations in terrestrial true bugs (Heteroptera) from the temperate zone. Entomological Science 2(4):623-639. [reprint]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 2000. Summer dormancy ensures univoltinism in the predatory bug Picromerus bidens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 95(3):259-267. [pdf]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 2001. Environmental control of voltinism of the stinkbug Graphosoma lineatum in the forest-steppe zone (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Entomologia Generalis 25(4):255-264. [Ingenta; Abstr. Ent. 32(12)]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 2012. Responses of insects to the current climate changes: From physiology and behavior to range shifts. Entomological Review 92(7):715-740. [computer copy; english transl. of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 91:3-35]

Musolin, D. L. and A. K. Saulich. 2018. Diapause in Pentatomoidea. Pp. 497-564, in: McPherson, J. E. (ed.), Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea): Biology, Higher Systematics, Semiochemistry, and Management. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, 819 pp.

Musolin, D. L., D. Tougou, and K. Fujisaki. 2010. Too hot to handle? Phenological and life-history responses to simulated climate change of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Global Change Biology 16:73-87. [computer copy]

Musolin, D. L., D. Tougou, and K. Fujisaki. 2011. Photoperiodic response in the subtropical and warm-temperate zone populations of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula: Why does it not fit the common latitudinal trend? Physiological Entomology 36(4):379-384. [computer copy]

Musser, F. R., E. Bick, S. A. Brown, W. D. Crow, J. A. Davis, C. DiFonzo, S. H. Graham, J. K. Greene, D. C. Lidwick, S. Malone, D. Owens, D. D. Reisig, P. M. Roberts, T. A. Royer, N. J. Seiter, A. J. Sisson, B. C. Thrash, K. J. Tillmon, and R. T. Villanueva. 2023. 2022 soybean insect losses in the United States. Midsouth Entomologist 16(1):1-25. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., S. P. Conley, J. A. Davis, D. DiFonzo, S. H. Graham, J. K. Greene, R. L. Koch, D. Owens, D. D. Reisig, P. Roberts, T. Royer, N. J. Seiter, S. D. Stewart, S. Taylor, B. Thrash, K. Tilmon, R. T. Villanueva, and M. O. Way. 2021. 2020 soybean insect losses in the United States. Midsouth Entomologist 14(1):1-25. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., S. P. Conley, J. A. Davis, D. DiFonzo, J. Green, G. M. Lorenz, D. Owens, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, P. Roberts, T. Royer, N. J. Seiter, S. D. Stewart, S. Taylor, K. Tilmon, R. T. Villanueva, and M. O. Way. 2019. 2018 soybean losses in the United States. Midsouth Entomologist 12(1):1-24. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., S. P. Conley, J. A. Davis, D. DiFonzo, J. Greene, G. M. Lorenz, D. Owens, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, P. Roberts, T. Royer, N. J. Seiter, S. D. Stewart, S. Taylor, K. Tilmon, and M. O. Way. 2018. 2017 soybean insect losses in the United States. Midsouth Entomologist 11(1):1-23. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., S. P. Conley, J. A. Davis, D. DiFonzo, J. Greene, G. M. Lorenz, D. Owens, D. D. Reisig, P. Roberts, T. Royer, N. J. Seiter, R. Smith, S. D. Stewart, S. Taylor, K. Tilmon, R. T. Vilanueva, and M. O. Way. 2020. 2019 soybean insect losses in the United States. Midsouth Entomologist 13(1):1-23. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, C. DiFonzo, S. H. Graham, J. K. Greene, B. Jensen, D. L. Kerns, R. L. Koch, D. Owens, D. D. Reisig, P. M. Roberts, T. A. Royer, N. J. Seiter, S. D. Stewart, S. V. Taylor, B. C. Thrash, K. J. Tillman, and R. T. Villanueva. 2022. 2021 soybean insect losses in the United States. Midsouth Entomologist 15(1):39-63. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, D. A. Herbert, Jr., B. R. Leonard, G. M. Lorenz, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, and S. D. Stewart. 2012. 2011 soybean insect losses in the southern US. Midsouth Entomologist 5(1):11-22. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, D. A. Herbert, Jr., G. M. Lorenz, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, and S. D. Stewart. 2013. 2012 soybean insect losses in the southern US. Midsouth Entomologist 6(1):12-24. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, D. A. Herbert, Jr., G. M. Lorenz, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, and S. D. Stewart. 2014. 2013 soybean insect losses in the southern US. Midsouth Entomologist 7(1):15-28. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, D. A. Herbert, Jr., G. M. Lorenz, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, and S. D. Stewart. 2015. 2014 soybean insect losses in the southern US. Midsouth Entomologist 8(1):35-48. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, D. A. Herbert, Jr., G. M. Lorenz, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, and S. D. Stewart. 2016. 2015 soybean insect losses in the southern US. Midsouth Entomologist 9(1):5-17. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., A. L. Catchot, Jr., J. A. Davis, G. M. Lorenz, T. Reed, D. D. Reisig, S. D. Stewart, and S. Taylor. 2017. 2016 soybean insect losses in the southrn US. Midsouth Entomologist 10(1):1-13.

Musser, F. R., K. S. Knighten, and J. T. Reed. 2009. Comparison of cotton damage from tarnished plant bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) and southern green stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults and nymphs. Midsouth Entomologist 2(1):1-9. [pdf]

Musser, F. R., G. M. Lorenz, S. D. Stewart, and A. L. Catchot. 2010. Soybean insect losses for Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas. Midsouth Entomologist 4:22-28. [pdf]

Mustafa, F., M. I. Ullah, K. M. Kneeland, T. A. Coudron, D. W. Stanley, W. W. Hoback, S. R. Skoda, J. Molina-Ochoa, and J. E. Foster. 2014. Genetic variability of spined soldier bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) sampled from distinct field sites and laboratory colonies in the United States. Florida Entomologist 97(4):1631-1639. [pdf]

Mustafa, G. O. 2004. Ecological and behavioral studies on Agonoscelis pubescens (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) during the resting period. M.S. Thesis, University of Khartoum, 78 pp. [pdf]

Mustafa, N. E. M., A. A. Mariod, and B. Matthäus. 2008. Antibacterial activity of Aspongopus viduatus (melon bug) oil. Journal of Food Safety 28:577-586. [pdf]

Muştu, M., F. Demirci, and E. Koçak. 2011. Mortality effects of Isaria farinosa (Holm.) and Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Sordariomycetes: Hypocreales) on Aelia rostrata Boh. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Türk. Entomol. Derg. 35(4):559-568. [pdf]

Mutlu, C., M. Buyuk, S. Eren, V. Karaca, M. Duman, and Y. Bayram. 2018. Management of the stink bugs Dolycoris baccarum (L.) and Piezodorus lituratus (F.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), and chalky spot damage on red lentil in Southeast Anatolia Region, Turkey. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 91(1):40-50. [pdf]

Mutlu, C., V. Karaca, S. Eren, M. Buyuk, C. Gozuacik, M. Duman, Y. Bayram, H. Bolu, and H. Kutuk. 2016. Chalky spot damage caused by stink bugs on red lentil seeds in Southeast Anatolia Region, Turkey. Legume Research 39(4):623-629. [pdf]

Mužík, F. 1903. A brief overview of Czech Pentatomidae (Pentatomidae). Vesmír 32:229-267. [in czech; pdf]

Mužík, F. 1905. Interesting species of Hemiptera. Acta Societatis Entomologicae Bohemiae 2:VI. [in czech; pdf]

Myartseva, S. N. 1984. Parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) of Turkmenistan and adjacent region of central Asia. Akademiya Nauk Turkmenskoy SSR Institut Zoologii, Ashkhabad, 304 pp. [chalcidoid website; Dolycoris penicillatus {297}]

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Myers, J. G. 1921. Notes on the Hemiptera of the Kermadec Islands, with an addition to the Hemiptera fauna of the New Zealand subregion. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 53:256-257. [xerox]

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Myers, J. G. 1931. A preliminary report on an investigation into the biological control of West Indian insect pests. Empire Mktg. Bd. Publ. 42, 172 pp. [DeWitt & Godfrey 1972]

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Myers, J. G. and W. E. China. 1928. A list of New Zealand Heteroptera with the description of a remarkable green aradid representing a new genus. Annals & Magazine of Natural History (10)1:377-394. [xerox]

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Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine Collected in Malaise Traps Beach Drift
Collected at Dung or Dead Animals Collected in Pitfall/Pan Traps  




David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

Updated: 22 November 2024

 Published by the Department of Entomology 

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