Eocanthecona Bergroth, 1915
Bergroth, 1915: 484.
Type Species:
Cimex furcellatus Wolff,
1801, by original designation.
Taxonomic placement: Members of
this genus are predatory, hence this genus belongs in the Asopinae.

Included Species:
binotata (Distant, 1879)
concinna (Walker, 1867)
eburnea Bergroth, 1915
formosa (Horváth, 1911)
formosana (Shiraki, 1913)
formosana (Sonan, 1927)
furcellata (Wolff, 1811)
armiger (Herrich-Schäffer, 1844)
japonicola (Esaki & Ishihara, 1950)
kyushuensis (Esaki & Ishihara, 1950)
latipes (Stål, 1871)
mitis (Vollenhoven, 1868)
neotibialis (Ahmad & Rana, 1988)
ornatula (Distant, 1908)
parva (Distant, 1902)
plebeja (Vollenhoven, 1868)
populusi (Ahmad & Rana, 1988)
robusta (Distant, 1879)
rufescens (Vollenhoven, 1868)
similis (Jensen-Haarup, 1931)
shikokuensis (Esaki & Ishihara, 1950)
thomsoni (Distant, 1911)
tibialis (Distant, 1879)
vollenhoveni (Breddin, 1902)
Photo: The photo on this page is of Eocanthecona
furcellata, and is provided courtesy of Hemant Ghate.
David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu
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