Gerasimos 'Gerry' Cassis
Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia
I am a Principal Research Scientist at the Australian Museum, in Sydney,
Australia. I have been at the Museum since 1989 and my position is principally
concerned with the systematics, biodiversity and ecology of insects. My main
research interest is in the systematics of the Heteroptera, particularly those
of the Australian region. My current research projects concern the systematics
and biogeography of the families Gelastocoridae, Miridae, Tingidae, Reduviidae,
Thaumastocoridae, Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae. I currently have five PhD
students, of which two are working on the systematics of the Heteroptera: 1. Nik
Tatarnic (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Halticini); 2. Annie Noack (Thaumastocoridae).
The other PhD students are working on ecological projects involving Heteroptera.
Previous to my work at the Australian Museum, I worked for five years at the
Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, where I worked on the
systematic catalogues of the Australian Heteroptera and Scarabaeoidea. I
obtained my PhD from Oregon State University (Major Professor: Dr Jack Lattin)
on the systematics of the mirid tribe Dicyphini. I obtained my BSc (Honours) at
the University of Sydney (Major Professor: Fred McDonald) where I worked on
Australian scutellerids. |
My work on Pentatomoidea is presently concerned with the systematics of the
Australian scutellerids and pentatomids. In conjunction with my colleague Emma
Betts, I have produced a webkey to the Australian genera of Pentatomidae (see
below). I am also about to submit an updated treatment of the Australian
Scutelleridae with my colleague Loren Vanags. I am also engaged in a revision of
the enigmatic pentatomid genus Caridophthalmus with my colleague David
Rider from North Dakota State University. David and I have also discussed
undertaking a review of the pentatomine tribe Diemenini. In the coming years I
intend to work more extensively on Old World scutellerids, and am currently
undertaking preliminary morphological investigations of the genera
Coleotichus and Lampromicra.
Contact Information: Australian Museum
6 College Street
Sydney 2000
Telephone: (02) 9320 6346 FAX: (02) 9361 5479
Current Projects:
See comments above.
McDonald, F. J. D. and G.
Cassis. 1984. Revision of the Australian Scutelleridae (Hemiptera). Australian
Journal of Zoology 32: 537-572.
Cassis, G. 1993. A report on the Heteroptera
and Dermaptera from the Survey of Cape York Peninsula. Cape York Peninsula
Scientific Expedition Wet Season 1992. Brisbane, The Royal Geographical Society
of Queensland Inc. pp. 109-123.
Cassis, G. and G. F. Gross.
2002. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Heteroptera. Pentatomomorpha. Volume
27.3B. Canberra : CSIRO 732 pp.
Cassis, G., E. Betts,
and M. G. Elliott. 2003. The stinkbugs of Australia (Insecta: Heteroptera:
Pentatomidae). A key to the genera of Australia.
Cassis, G. and L. Vanags. 2006. Jewel bugs
of Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae). In: Rabitsch, W.
(ed.), Hug the Bug - For Love of True Bugs. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von
Ernst Heiss. Denisia 19:275-398.
Wang, X-j., G-q. Liu, and G. Cassis. 2013. Systematic study of Duadicus
Dallas, 1851 (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae: Blaudusinae:
Blaudusini), including the description of a new species from Western Australia.
Austral Entomology 2013: 1-11.
Weiler, L., K. R. BarĂ£o, G. Cassis, and J. Grazia. 2017. Morphology of the
external scent efferent system of Neotropical shield bugs (Hemiptera:
Scutelleridae: Pachycorinae). Zoomorphology 136: 29-44.
Zhao, Q., G. Cassis, L. Zhao, Y. He, H. Zhang, and J. Wei. 2020. The complete
mitochondrial genome of Zicrona caerulea (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera:
Pentatomidae: Asopinae) and its phylogenetic implications. Zootaxa 4747(3):
Salini, S., P. Kment, and G. Cassis. 2023.
Rehabilitation of Mormoschema (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae):
Generic status restituted and tribal placement revised. Acta Entomologica Musei
Nationalis Pragae 63(2): 397-412.
David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
10 Jan 2024
Published by the
Department of
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