Mohammad Havaskary
Islamic Azad
Tehran, Iran
I was born in the city of Khomarlo in the Arasbaran zone of Iran. I am
a researcher trained in science education. My current interests are in
studying the Heteroptera of Iran, especially the Pentatomidae and
Scutelleridae. I plan to document the fauna for Iran, and develop keys
to the identification of pentatomoid species from this country. I am
focusing my work on understudied areas of Iran, including Arasbaran, the
mountains of Khordetan and Kermanshah, and parts of Yazd, and Sarakhs of
Khorasan. Most of my research concerns taxonomy and ecology; in the
future, I intend to document the Heteroptera of Arasbaran.
Department of Plant Protection
College of Agriculture
Islamic Azad University
Science and Research Unit
P.O. Box 14515/775
Tehran, IRANTelephone: (021) 44511597
FAX: (021) 44804118
Current Projects:
Faunal study of the Pentatomidae and Scutelleridae of Iran (with D.A.
2) Keys
to the taxa of Pentatomidae and Scutelleridae of Iran (with D.A. Rider)
Havaskary, M., F. H. Pour, and M. M. Awal. 2010. Cimicomorpha and
Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera) of alfalfa from Mashhad and vicinity, NE Iran. Mun.
Ent. Zool. 5(1):253-261.
Havaskary, M., R. F. P. Abad, M. H. Kazemi, and A. Rafeii. 2012. A contribution
to the stink bugs from Khodafarin, NW Iran (Heteteroptera: Pentatomidae:
Pentatominae). Mun. Ent. Zool. 7(1): 607-616.
David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
02 February 2012
Published by the
Department of
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