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Guo-qing Liu
Nankai University, Tianjin, China

     I am a Professor and the Director of the Department of Zoobiology & Developmental Biology at Nankai University.  I am also the Director of the Institute of Entomology at the same University.  My research interests include the systematics and morphology of Heteroptera (mainly on the family Miridae and the Pentatomomorpha).  I also have an interest in aquatic insects (mainly the Nepomorpha in the Heteroptera).


Contact Information:
No. 4 Lecture Hall,
Nankai University
Tianjin 300071
P.R. China

Telephone:   0086-22-23503711
FAX:           0086-22-23508800




Liu, G-q. and L-y. Zheng.  1985.  An investigation reports on Pentatomidae in Erjina Banner in Inner Mongolia.  Jiangxi Plant Protection 2: 6-8.

Zheng, L-y. and G-q. Liu.  1986.  New records and a new species of Halyini from China (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nakaiensis 2: 160-164.

Zheng, L-y. and G-q. Liu.  1987.  A survey of hemipterous insects from Mt. Yulong, Yunnan Prov. China (I).  Entomotaxonomia 9(3): 217-226.

Zheng, L-y. and G-q. Liu.  1987.  New genus and new species of Pentatomidae from Yunnan, China.  Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 12(2):181-191.

Zheng, L-y. and G-q. Liu.  1987.  New genera, new species of Chinese Pentatomidae and a new Chinese record of Scutelleridae.  Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 12(3):286-295.

Zheng, L-y. and G-q. Liu.  1988.  A preliminary record on Hemiptera from Beishui River Natural Resruve of Gansu Province.  Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology 4: 1-6.

Zheng, L-y. and G-q. Liu.  1989.  Notes on nomenclatures of Chinese terrestrial Hemiptera.  Jiangxi Plant Protection 4:10-12.

Liu, G-q., C-x. Yang, and L-y. Zheng.  1993.  Report on Heteroptera from some areas of Northwest China (I).  Ningxia Journal of Agricultural and Forestry Science and Technology 1:6-8, 12.

Liu, G-q., C-x. Yang, and L-y. Zheng.  1993.  Report on Heteroptera from some areas of Northwest China (II).  Ningxia Journal of Agricultural and Forestry Science and Technology 6: 10-14.

Xue, H-j. and G-q. Liu.  2002.  On the genus Ponsilasia Heinze (Hemiptera: Plataspidae).  Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 27(1): 96-100.

Liu, G-q., C. Chen, and L-y. Zheng.  2004.  Hemiptera: Miridae, Pyrrhocoridae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, Coreidae, Dinidoridae, Pentatomidae, Acanthosomatidae and Scutelleridae, Insects of the Great Yarlung Zangbo Canyon of Xizang, China.  China Science and Technology Press, Beijing, pp. 38-41.

Liu, G-q. and H-j. Wang.  2004.  Acanthosomatidae, Insects from Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi.  China Forestry Publishing House, pp. 140-141.

Liu, G-q. and H-j. Wang.  2004.  Scutelleridae, Tessaratomidae, Dinidoridae and Pentatomidae, Insects from Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi.  China Forestry Publishing House, pp. 173-189.

Liu, G-q. and W-l. Zhang.  2004.  Cydnidae, Insects from Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi.  China Forestry Publishing House, pp. 165-167.

Ren, S-z. and G-q. Liu.  2004.  Hemiptera: Plataspidae, Insects of the Great Yarlung Zangbo Canyon of Xizang, China.  China Science and Technology Press, Beijing, pp. 35.

Xue, H-j. and G-q. Liu.  2004.  Hemiptera: Plataspidae.  Pp. 170-172, in: Insects from Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi.  China Forestry Publishing House.

Liu, G-q. 2005. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, II. Tessaratomidae and Dinidoridae. Pp. 217-220, in: Jin, D-c. and Z-z. Li (eds.), Insects from Xishui Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, i-x + 616 pp. [in Chinese]

Liu, G-q. and H-j. Wang. 2005. Hemiptera: Acanthosomatidae. Pp. 271-274, in: Insect Fauna of Middle-West Qinling Range and South Mountains of Gansu Province. Science Press, Beijing.

Liu, G-q. and H-j. Xue. 2005. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, II. Scutelleridae. Pp. 225-226, in: Jin, D-c. and Z-z. Li (eds.), Insects from Xishui Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, i-x + 616 pp. [in Chinese]

Wang, H-j. and G-q. Liu. 2005. Hemiptera: Scutelleridae, Tessaratomidae, Dinidoridae and Pentatomidae. Pp. 279-292, in: Insect Fauna of Middle-West Qinling Range and South Mountains of Gansu Province. Science Press, Beijing. [in Chinese]

Xue, H-j. and G-q. Liu. 2005. Hemiptera: Plataspidae. Pp. 275-278, in: Insect Fauna of Middle-West Qinling Range and South Mountains of Gansu Province. Science Press, Beijing.

Liu, G-q. 2006. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, III. Tessaratomidae and Dinidoridae. Pp. 153-155, in: Jin, D-c. and Z-z. Li (eds.), Insects from Chishui spinulose tree fern landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, i-viii + 409 pp. [in Chinese]

Liu, G-q. and H-j. Xue. 2006. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, III. Pentatomidae. Pp. 150-153, in: Jin, D-c. and Z-z. Li (eds.), Insects from Chishui spinulose tree fern landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, i-viii + 409 pp. [in Chinese]

Liu, G-q. and L-y. Zheng. 2006. Checklist of the Chinese Plataspidae (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea). In: Rabitsch, W. (ed.), Hug the Bug - For Love of True Bugs. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Ernst Heiss. Denisia 19:919-926.

Ding, D-s. and G-q. Liu. 2009, Acanthomatidae [sic], Cydnidae. Pp. 102-104, in: Wang, Y-p. (ed.), The Insects and Forest Health Assessment of Wuyanling in Zhejiang. Science Press, Beijing, vi + 275 pp.

Fan, Z-h. and G-q. Liu. 2009. The genus Aenaria Stål, 1876 in China (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34(4): 760-765.

Fan, Z-h. and G-q. Liu. 2009. Descriptions of males of Bathycoelia sinica Zheng & Liu, 1987 and Tachengia ascra China, 1925 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Entomotaxonomia 31(4): 275-278.

Guo, H. and G-q. Liu. 2009. Tessaratomidae. Pp. 104 -105, in: Wang, Y-p. (ed.), The Insects and Forest Health Assessment of Wuyanling in Zhejiang. Science Press, Beijing, vi + 275 pp.

Li, J-m. and G-q. Liu. 2009. Plataspidae. P. 104, in: Wang, Y-p. (ed.), The Insects and Forest Health Assessment of Wuyanling in Zhejiang. Science Press, Beijing, vi + 275 pp.

Xu, J-y., H. Guo, X. Zhang, and G-q. Liu. 2009. Pentatomidae. Pp. 105-107, in: Wang, Y-p. (ed.), The Insects and Forest Health Assessment of Wuyanling in Zhejiang. Science Press, Beijing, vi + 275 pp.

Fan, Z-h. and G-q. Liu. 2010. A new genus Ramivena (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), with descriptions of two new species. Oriental Insects 44: 211-223.

Fan, Z-h. and G-q. Liu. 2010. The taxonomic value of female spermatheca in Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Sciencepaper Online 2010(1): 1-5.

Fan, Z-h. and G-q. Liu. 2010. The genus Lelia Walker, 1876, with the description of one new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae). Zootaxa 2512: 56-62.

Zhao, Q., W-j. Bu, and G-q. Liu. 2011. The genus Amyotea Ellenreider from China (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 36(4): 950-955.

Fan, Z-h., X. Xing, X. Sun, and G-q. Liu. 2012. New records of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from China. Entomotaxonomia 34(2):181-191. [computer copy]

Wang, X-j. and G-q. Liu. 2012. Checklist of Tessaratomidae (Hemiptera: Pentatomoidea) from China. Entomotaxonomia 34(2): 167-175.

Fan, Z-h., and G-q. Liu. 2013. The genus Cahara Ghauri, 1978 of China (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Halyini) with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 319: 37-50.

Wang, X-j., G-q. Liu, and G. Cassis. 2013. Systematic study of Duadicus Dallas, 1851 (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae: Blaudusinae: Blaudusini), including the description of a new species from Western Australia. Austral Entomology 2013: 1-11.

Zhao, Q., G-q. Liu, and W-j. Bu. 2013. A review of the Chinese species of the genus Picromerus Amyot and Serville, with description of a new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae). Zootaxa 3613(2): 146-164.

Li, X-r., Z-h. Fan, and G-q. Liu. 2015. Note on genus Menida Motschulsky from China (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Natural Science Edition) 35(3): 12-22. [in Chinese]

Tsai, J-f., D. Rédei, B. Aukema, A. Carapezza, M. A. Carvajal, E. I. Faúndez, S. Jung, E. Kanyukova, P. Kment, S-I. Kudo, G-q. Liu, D. A. Rider, J. Vilímová, N. N. Vinokurov, X-j. Wang, and A. Yamamoto. 2015. Case 3684. Elasmostethus dorsalis Jakovlev, 1876 (currently Elasmucha dorsalis; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed precedence over Acanthosoma vicinum Uhler, 1861 (currently Elasmucha vicina). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 72(2):115-120. [pdf]

Zhao, Q., W-j. Bu, and G-q. Liu. 2016. The genus Cecyrina Walker, 1867, with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae). Zootaxa 4114(3): 309-319.


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Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
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David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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