Dr. Kambiz Farahmand
B.S., Petroleum Engineering, University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma, 1982
M.S., Industrial Engineering University of Texas at Arlington, 1990
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 1992
Currently is a Professor and interim chair of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department at North Dakota State University, where he also served as the Department Head from 2005 to 2011. He is an internationally recognized expert in Productivity Improvement. He has published over 110+ refereed papers in addition to 40+ technical papers, has over $5.7 million in research, and is a recipient of numerous awards. He just published the 3rd edition of his “Workstation Design” and the second edition of his “Evaluation of Engineering Data” textbooks. As an Industrial engineer/consultant for the past fifteen years with quality systems such as Malcolm Baldrige and Toyota Production system, Dr. Farahmand has worked with quality award recipients such as Delphi Mexico, Delco Electronics, and TI Automotive in receiving the Shingo prize and Caterpillar and TI Instrument receiving Baldrige national awards.
Dr. Farahmand has been involved in joint research and consulting with DOE, ARMY, NAVY, NASA, VHA, and industry. Most recent research areas include healthcare system redesign for VA involving Clinical Space Optimization, LEAN implementation and Reusable medical equipment reprocessing, portable life support systems for NASA astronauts’ space ensemble and adverse environment protecting garment, thermal and respiratory physiology, cooling systems, hypothermia, and respiratory heat and mass transfer for NAVY. He has also served as subject matter expert in Lean Manufacturing, Quality Control and ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AS9100, and OHSAS 18001implementation and certification of US Army command. He was the invited Key Note Speaker addressing ISO CAPA in Medical Research at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He is a registered professional engineer in the states of Texas and North Dakota and past president of IIE Coastal Bend Chapter.
Research Interests:
Ergonomics Design, Healthcare, Facilities and Production Layout - Planning & Management, Human Exposure and Physiology Simulation, ISO 9001-Quality Management System, AS9110-Aerospace Maintenance Standards, ISO 18001–Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standards, Productivity Analysis & Waste Management, Respiratory& Life Support System, Lean Manufacturing, Safety and Human Factors Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Simulation & Modeling, Operations & Materials Management and Strategic Planning, Computer Network Management.
Selected Publications:
1. Roth, K. & Farahmand, K. A Socio-Technical Study of Industry 4.0 and SMEs: Recent Insights from the Upper Midwest. Sustainability, 15 (16), 2023, 12559. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151612559
2. Roth, K., & Farahmand, K. A Study of Current Socio-Technical Design Practices in the Industry 4.0 Context among Small, Medium, and Large Manufacturers in Minnesota and North Dakota. Sustainability, 15(23), 16438, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152316438
3. Farahmand, K. Mahmoud, M., Wadhwa, S. S. Risk-based decision-making process in the context of Quality Management System – A case study of a startup company. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET). December 2020.
4. Wadhwa, S. S., Farahmand, K., Vachal, K., A Deterministic Mathematical Model to Support Future Investment Decisions for Developing Inland Container Depots, Research in Transportation Economics Journal, Manuscript Number RETREC_2019_88.
5. Dharmadhikari, N., Farahmand, K. Piling Centers Location Optimization for Sugar Beets under Supply Variation. Infrastructure, infrastructures-470667, March 2019.
6. Mahmoud, M., Farahmand, K. Risk-based decision-making process in the context of Quality Management System. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET). March 2019.1. Mahmoud, M., Farahmand, K. ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Manual Template for Service Industry. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET), ISSN (P): 2277-4769 ISSN(E): 2278-9456, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Jun 2019 1-20.
7. Wadhwa, S. S., Farahmand, K. Site Selection Using Multi Attribute Decision Analysis in GIS - A Case Study on Brownfields of Minnesota. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation (IJERI). July 2018.
8. Farahmand, K., Wadhwa, S. S. Optimization of Surgical Referrals to Minimize Cost. Journal of Translational Medicine & Research. May 2018. medcraveonline.com/OAJTMR/volume issues
9. Li, X., Bilen-Green, C., Farahmand, K., Langley, L. (2018). A semiparametric method for estimating the progression of cognitive decline in dementia. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. ID is UHSE-2017-0018.R1. www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24(725) 579-2018.1455247.
10. Dharmadhikari, N., Farahmand, K., Lee, E., Vachal, K., Ripplinger, D. (2017). Yield Forecasting to Sustain the Agricultural Transportation under Stochastic Environment. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES). 05.08 (2017): 51- 60.
11. Farahmand, K. Xiaoxia L., (2017) Using Simulation to Justify Lean Implementation in Manufacturing, A Case Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. May 2017.
12. Farahmand, K., Dharmadhikari, N. (2017). Green Agriculture. Proceedings of the 12th International Green Energy Conference, July 31-August 3, 2017, July 31 – August 3, 2017, Anchorage, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
13. Farahmand K, You G., Shi, J., Wadhwa S (2016) Data Mining for Predicting Pre-diabetes: Comparing Two Approaches. International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare, July-December 2016, Vol. 5, No. 2. IGI Global Publishing.