Aug. 3, 2023

Faculty member speaks at banking event 

Photo of Jeremy Straub

Jeremy Straub

Jeremy Straub, NDSU assistant professor of computer science, recently was invited to speak at the North Dakota Bankers Association’s Peer Group Consortium in Bismarck.  The event brought together people from multiple aspects of bank management and operations – such as general management, human resources, and information technology – to learn from and share their experiences with other bankers.  

Straub gave a plenary presentation regarding artificial intelligence before the bankers broke off into their focus groups.  In the presentation, he described how artificial intelligence could be used in the banking industry and helped dispel hype surrounding the use (and potential misuse) of the technology.

“Presenting at the banker’s conference was an excellent opportunity to share information gained from our AI policy analysis work at NDSU as well as to help the bankers, more generally, understand how AI can be useful to them,” said Straub.  “It is important that everyone understands that a lot of what we’re hearing about AI right now is predictions of worst-case scenarios.  There are a lot of ways that AI can help businesses and it is important that people understand its value.”

The North Dakota Bankers Association is a professional trade association for banks in North Dakota and was founded in 1889. 

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