NDSU announced several individual and team winners at the recent annual Staff Recognition Awards ceremony.
James Stoddard, Diane Hahn, Cassie Johnson, Kristi Weston, Julie Bietz, and CeCe Sander were recognized with Individual Staff Recognition awards. The Team Award was given to the TRIO Student Success Services Staff: Scott Norenberg, Valerie Jones, Sally Schutz-Shelton, Levi Tronnes, and Tamara Blanich.
Individual Staff Recognition Awards are presented annually to the broad banded staff at North Dakota State University. Up to ten awards may be distributed according to the percentages in each of the five NDSU categories: Administrative/Professional, Technical/Paraprofessional, Office Support, Crafts/Trades, and Services. Each recipient will receive a cash award of $250.
The Team Recognition Award recognizes a group of individuals who have contributed to the accomplishment of a major change or benefit to the University community. A team may be made up of any combination of broadband and non-broad band staff with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 members. The team needs to have a connection to NDSU and only broad banded team members employed at NDSU will receive the award. Teams can be a part of a larger scope, such as NDUS. The accomplishment needs to be NDSU related. The team will receive a cash award of $600 to be divided equally between members (maximum of $250 per individual).