North Dakota Compass, the state’s social indicators website, has launched a new key measure, “Access to Healthy Food,” under the Environment topic.
The new measure provides data on population with low access to a grocery store in North Dakota’s geographic areas and compares the access to other states. In addition, links have been included under “More Measures,” “Ideas at Work” and “Library,” with data and information on food deserts, community gardens, food banks and nutrition for persons interested in these issues in North Dakota.
To explore these new resources on access to healthy food visit - 0-11115-g.
North Dakota Compass is located at the Center for Social Research a NDSU. ND Compass, sponsored by the Bush Foundation, the Otto Bremer Foundation, Dakota Medical Foundation and NDSU, gives state policymakers, business and community leaders, and concerned individuals a common foundation to act on issues to improve communities by tracking and analyzing trends in areas that affect quality of life. For additional information, visit
NDSU is recognized as one of the nation's top 108 public and private universities by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.