Feb. 9, 2015

NDSU student newspaper earns press awards


The NDSU Spectrum student newspaper received prestigious honors at the 24th annual Associated Collegiate Press Midwest conference Feb. 6-8 in Minneapolis.

The Spectrum was named "Best in the Midwest" in the special edition category and placed fifth in the "Four-year Weekly" newspaper category.

"It was a really exciting weekend for us," said Sam Herder, editor-in-chief and a senior journalism major. "For us to receive these awards shows how hard we've worked this year – we've tried some new things, and to be recognized for them is very exciting."

In addition, several staff members received individual awards.

Ben Norman, head news editor and a junior English major, earned fifth place in the news story competition and a fourth in the feature story category.

Colton Pool, sports editor and a senior journalism major, placed second in the sports story competition, while Pace Maier, a junior journalism major and co-news editor, took third in the same category.

Kimberly Hill, student photographer and professional student in pharmacy, placed fourth in the news photo category.

The convention featured more than 40 workshops for student newspaper staff members and their advisers. Keynote speakers included Scott Libin, Hubbard senior fellow at the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication; Boyd Huppert, a reporter at KARE-TV; and Regina McCombs, senior editor for visual news for Minnesota Public Radio News.

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