April 21, 2015

Calf program to benefit cattle producers


The NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center once again is partnering with the North Dakota Angus Association to sponsor the fourth annual North Dakota Angus University calf feed-out program this summer and fall. 

Cattle producers interested in gaining a better understanding of how Angus-sired cattle from their operation perform in the feedlot, quality grade or the potential profitability available through retained ownership can consign steers to the feed-out project at the center.

Producers consigned 164 head of yearling and fall steer calves to last year's project.

"In addition to the valuable information producers received regarding the feedlot performance of their cattle, the steers were used in a feedlot research trial," said Chanda Engel, livestock research specialist at the center. "No treatments are imposed that would reduce the performance of the animals."

Animals that are consigned should be steers with at least 50 percent Angus genetics and a desired target weight of 800 and 900 pounds at the time they are placed in the program. Producers wishing to consign steers that are lighter than 800 pounds should contact Engel to discuss potential options.

Participants in North Dakota Angus University will receive periodic progress reports on their calves' performance as well as a final report on the overall performance, efficiency and carcass traits for their calves.

Producers who consign cattle pay the feeding costs based on the average cost of gain, veterinary costs and a modest yardage charge. The center carries these costs until the cattle are marketed. After the cattle are marketed, the center deducts all applicable fees from the sale price without an interest charge.

Consigned cattle should be delivered to the center's feedlot the first week of June.

To consign a group of cattle or for more information, contact Engel at 701-652-2951 or chanda.engel@ndsu.edu; or call Mike Wendel, North Dakota Angus Association program liaison, at 701-710-0425.

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