To honor Martin Luther King Jr., Multicultural Student Services is coordinating the fourth annual campuswide readings of his words. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 21.
According to Malika Carter, Multicultural Student Services assistant director, the goal is to have at least two people, who will work in 30-minute increments, in each campus building from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. She said readers will be scheduled in residence halls from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Carter said one volunteer will thoughtfully and publicly read King’s words for 15 minutes as the other actively listens. For the remaining 15 minutes, roles switch, and the speaker becomes the listener.
To participate, see links to King’s verbatim words from the Multicultural Student Services Web site at beginning Jan. 1, and e-mail the building and time where you can read or listen to
Each registered participant will have their name published and distributed by Multicultural Student Services to organizations or individuals who contribute to the event.
For more information, contact Carter at 1-7383 or
Dec. 12, 2008