Dec. 31, 2008

Tri-College University awards collaborative grants


Six collaborative grants have been awarded through the Tri-College University collaborative grant grogram. The grant program was initiated in 2007 and is designed to bring faculty, staff and students together for new progressive initiatives. Ten grants were awarded in 2008 and range from $500 to $1,000 each.

“While Tri-College and our campus partners at Concordia College, Minnesota State University Moorhead and NDSU have a strong history of quality programs and activities, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities that can build on our impact in our campus and metro community,” said Tim Flakoll, Tri-College provost.

Projects and project leaders for the grants are:

• “The Dream Alive Program featuring Mr. Joe Rogers,” Gus Claymore from Minnesota State University Moorhead; Jaclynn Wallette, NDSU assistant vice president for equity, diversity and global outreach; and Babette Cuadrado from Concordia College;

• “Juried Group Exhibit of Tri-College Bachelor of Fine Arts Candidates,” Sherri Short from MSUM, Peter Schultz from Concordia College and Kris Groberg, NDSU assistant professor of visual arts;

• “Tri-College Service-Learning Fair,” Chelle Lyons-Hanson from Concordia College, Janet Haak from MSUM and Amy Graff, NDSU associate director of the Memorial Union;

• “Yellow Bike Project,” an eco-friendly program led by campus student leaders;

• “Design of a First-Year Electronics Lab Manual for Physics and Engineering Students that Incorporates Research-Led Teaching,” Ananda Shastri from MSUM and Rajendra Katti, NDSU associate professor of computer and electrical engineering; and

• “Women’s Collegiate Club Lacrosse Start-up for NDSU and Concordia College,” Jolene Garty from MSUM, Erin Hencley from Concordia College and Stephanie Bondhus, a student in NDSU’s College of Human Development and Education.

“These projects are certainly evidence of dedicated faculty, staff and students striving to make enhancements to the education environment in our community. We are excited about the positive impact that these grants will lead to,” Flakoll said.

For more information, contact Flakoll at 1-8170.

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