Jan. 23, 2009

Wind turbines Webcast scheduled


The NDSU Extension Service is among the sponsors of an upcoming Web presentation on wind turbines. “Basics of Farm/Residential Small Wind Turbines” is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 13 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Participants need a computer with Internet access to take part in the program at connect.extension.iastate.edu/nebraska.

The presenter will be Antonio C. Jimenez of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory/National Wind Technology Center. He administers the center’s Native American Anemometer Loan Program and provides analysis assistance to tribes contemplating wind energy projects.

Landowners, business owners, local utility representatives and economic development officials can benefit from the program. Topics include applications, estimating production, policies, economics, installation and technology questions.

When logging on to the Webcast, click on “click to enter” under the “enter as guest” heading. Insert your name to enter the meeting space. Instructions detailing how to enter the integrated phone audio conference will appear when joining the meeting.

Before the Webcast, visit breeze.extension.iastate.edu/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm to confirm your ability to connect to the virtual meeting room. For more information, contact Cole Gustafson, NDSU biofuels economist, at 1-7096 or cole.gustafson@ndsu.edu.

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