Dec. 31, 2015

Transportation leadership graduate certificate offers online courses


The Transportation Leadership Graduate Certificate program is offering a variety of transportation graduate-level course online for transportation professionals during the spring 2016 semester.

This is the fifth year the program has offered courses taught by graduate-level faculty who teach and conduct research at top accredited U.S. universities. Courses offered for spring semester are:

·      Advanced Supply-Chain Planning Across the Enterprise

·      Transportation Systems Lab

·      Transportation Systems II

·      Public Transportation II

·      Leadership, Ethics and Academic Conduct in Transportation

·      Transportation and Land Use

·      Transportation Safety

·      High Speed Rail Engineering

·      Public Transportation

The Transportation Leadership Graduate Certificate program is a post-baccalaureate certificate program issued on behalf of the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute. The program provides graduate-level education to transportation professionals and persons in related disciplines to prepare them to be leaders in the transportation industry. The program involves collaborative efforts of university transportation centers, transportation industry professionals, and public and private sector supporters, so students can customize their program to their interests. Students may follow one of three certificate tracks: transportation, safety, or transit.

For more information on the program, go here or email

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