Feb. 2, 2009

'Community of Science' workshops planned


NDSU faculty and staff researchers looking for tools to identify funding opportunities can learn more about a service available to enhance their research programs through upcoming “Community of Science” workshops.

“Community of Science” is the leading global resource for hard-to-find information critical to scientific research and other projects across all disciplines. The service combines information so researchers can save time and money searching for funding opportunities. It is available through the North Dakota University System’s membership.

To learn more, attend a hands-on demonstration of the service at the “Gear Up for Grants” sessions on Wednesday, May 6, and Thursday, May 14, at 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in IACC 114.

The NDSU Office of the Vice President for Research, Creative Activities and Technology Transfer is sponsoring the events. For more information and to register, contact Kay Sizer at 1-7035 or kay.sizer@ndsu.edu.

Sizer, who serves as manager of faculty development and special projects, was recently among the first in the nation to be certified as a “Community of Science” liaison. Sizer facilitates funding opportunities for researchers through the service.

The service offers more than 25,000 records that represent nearly 400,000 funding opportunities worth more than $33 billion. The service allows researchers to identify experts and collaborators to learn of current research activity, funding received, publications and patents. NDSU faculty also can showcase their research and expertise among researchers and scholars from universities, corporations and nonprofits in more than 170 countries by establishing a profile on the system.

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