Feb. 9, 2009

Provost appoints Commission on the Status of Faculty Women


Provost Craig Schnell named eight people to the newly created Commission on the Status of Faculty Women. They are Dogan Comez, Department of Mathematics; Karen Froelich, Department of Management, Marketing and Finance; Roger Green, Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering; Cynthia Naughton, College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences; Wendy Reed, Department of Biological Sciences; Dave Saxowsky, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; Justin Wageman, School of Education; and Christina Weber, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Emergency Management.

The commission is a component of the National Science Foundation-funded Advance FORWARD project. Its role is to achieve valued representation of women in faculty and academic administrative ranks. The commission will review policy and process in recruitment, advancement and retention of women. It also will analyze data on salary, other resources, and workload by gender, faculty rank and college. Chaired by Schnell, the commission will meet monthly and twice yearly with President Joseph A. Chapman.

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