Feb. 10, 2009

Radiation Safety Course scheduled


A “Laboratory Use of Radioactive Material” course is planned for Thursday, March 5, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Memorial Union Arikara room.

The course is designed for new and potential users of radioactive materials in the laboratory or field application. It also serves as a refresher course for those currently using radioactive materials. Successful completion of the course is required in order to use radioactive materials on campus and will be verified by a passing quiz score.

Topics include basic theory of radioactivity, biological interactions with radiation, radiation protection, minimizing exposure level, rules and regulations, safe handling and decontamination and lab procedures. Mike Borr, radiation safety officer, is the instructor.

Participants should bring a scientific calculator.

To register, contact Stephanie Wegner, office manager of the University Police and Safety Office, at stephanie.wegner@ndsu.edu or 1-7759.

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