The NDSU Extension Service and Bison Athletics have launched a magazine to celebrate March, National Nutrition Month.
“Eat Smart. Play Hard. Together” contains information to help families lead more healthful, active lives. It brings together the expertise of faculty across NDSU with articles that range from making time for family meals to saving money on gas when driving children to activities.
The magazine also includes information on budget-friendly activities; sports nutrition; dealing with bullying; how families can garden for fun; cooking tips and recipes for busy families; and activity sheets for kids.
The magazine is available online at or through county Extension offices. You also might read a copy in places such as clinics, your doctor or dentist's office, fitness centers and libraries.
“We are excited to share this publication in both print and Web formats,” says Julie Garden-Robinson, NDSU Extension food and nutrition specialist. “We hope that people also will visit our newly updated Web site ( to access our other educational resources and to interact with us through our Facebook presence.”
The magazine is one of the latest elements of a statewide initiative that NDSU Extension and Bison Athletics began in 2005. The “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” campaign includes a video featuring Thundar, the Bison mascot; 4-H club recognition program; poster contests for kids; and classroom lessons for kids with newsletters for parents.
“NDSU Athletics is proud to be a part of the ‘Eat Smart. Play Hard.’ program,” says Troy Goergen, associate athletic director. “We hope the magazine has a positive impact on young people and families across North Dakota.”
NDSU Extension and Bison Athletics are looking into the possibility of publishing another edition of the magazine next year.
March 9, 2009