Aug. 9, 2016

NDSU and University of Minnesota to host sugarbeet researchers


Sugarbeet researchers and Extension specialists from NDSU and the University of Minnesota are scheduled to host researchers, sugar and allied industry personnel Aug. 10-11.

A total of 50 to 65 participants are expected from Michigan, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Canada and the host states. They will discuss a variety of issues faced by sugarbeet growers, and visit NDSU’s greenhouse facility and Northern Crops Institute.

In addition, a tour of area research will address management of sugarbeet root maggots, weeds, Rhizoctonia and Aphanomyces root rot, Fusarium yellows, Aphanomyces and nutrient management.

Specialized systems for large scale handling and long-term cold storage of sugarbeets also will be discussed, and processing of unique niche market crops and systems for developing added value to agricultural products will be highlighted.

Contact Mohamed Khan, professor and sugarbeet specialist, at 231-8596 for further information and to participate.

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