G. Padmanabhan, professor of civil engineering, co-wrote the article, “Improving Non-Point Source Pollution Model Input Parameters Using Substance Flux Analysis,” which will appear in the Journal of Applied Sciences.
The other authors are Kitipan Kitbamroong, former doctoral student; and Penjai Sompongchaiyakul, professor at the National Center for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Padmanabhan served as the international adviser on the doctoral committee of Kitbamroong.
The study for the article is part of a comprehensive study to improve the phosphorus and cadmium loadings from a predominantly agricultural area draining into a major lake in Thailand. Spatially distributed parameter models are commonly used for modeling non-point source pollution transport via surface runoff. One of the difficulties of using distributed parameter models is lack of quality input data on pollutant loading spatially. In this study, Substance Flux Analysis is investigated as a potential tool to obtain better estimates of phosphorus and cadmium loadings.
The article is available at www.scialert.net/abstract/.