May 7, 2009

Faculty awards and grants announced


Several NDSU Development Foundation awards and grants were announced during the 12th annual “Celebration of Faculty Excellence” held May 6 at the Alumni Center.

Faculty receiving Board of Trustees Endowment Awards include:
• James Du, College of Science and Mathematics
• Ron Johnson, College of Business
• Reza Maleki, College of Engineering and Architecture
• Sarah Wagner, College of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Natural Resources

Centennial Endowment Award recipients are:
• Erika Berg, College of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Natural Resources
• Jimmy Kim, College of Engineering and Architecture
• Bill Law, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
• Michael Miller and Tom Isern, Germans from Russia Collection and Department of History
• Michael Thrasher, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
• Yechun Wang, College of Engineering and Architecture

Gordon A. Larson Agricultural Research Awardees are:
• Birgit Pruess, College of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Natural Resources
• Scott Pryor, College of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Natural Resources
• Mark Sheridan, College of Science and Mathematics

Recipients of Libraries Endowment Awards are:
• Kevin Brooks and Allan Ashworth, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Department of Geosciences
• Kevin Brooks, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
• Kris Groberg, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
• Michael Thrasher, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

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