A research photograph by NDSU’s Department of Plant Sciences researchers Zhao Liu, Gerald Seiler and Chao-Chien Jan is the cover image for the April 2017 edition of G3 Genes/Genomics/Genetics Journal. The photograph is a close-up of a sunflower.
Liu is a plant sciences postdoctoral research fellow in sunflower germplasm development. Jan is a former adjunct professor and research geneticist, and Seiler is an adjunct professor. Jan and Seiler also work at the USDA-Agriculture Research Service, Northern Crop Science Laboratory in Fargo. Other authors are NDSU Department of Plant Sciences professor Xiwen Cai, South Dakota State University researcher Jiuhuan Feng and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist Khalid Y. Rashid.
The article title is “Triploid Production from Interspecific Crosses of Two Diploid Cultivated Sunflower (Helianthus anuus L.).”
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