Donna Terbizan, professor of health, nutrition and exercise sciences, and Nikki Demers, doctoral student, presented “Governmental Physical Activity Guidelines – Information and Update,” at the central district American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance convention in Rochester, Minn.
According to Terbizan, the guidelines were similar to other guidelines that have been published in the past 10 years, but did have some additional emphasis points. “The new guidelines were very specific that to improve health, an individual needs to perform moderate level physical activity at least 30 minutes in duration of three to five days a week,” she said.
The presentation covered the guidelines for children age six through adolescence, older adults and adults with chronic conditions.
“The new guidelines supported and emphasized what we already know, as well as adding some information for specific age groups,” Terbizan said. “It encourages all ages to perform physical activity to help improve their health.”
June 1, 2009