Aug. 30, 2017

Potato Association of America meeting held in Fargo


Red River Valley potato researchers hosted the 101st Potato Association of America meeting July 23-27. More than 250 researchers attended the meeting at the Fargo Holiday Inn.

The Local Arrangements Committee included NDSU faculty Neil Gudmestad, Andrew Robinson, Gary Secor, Susie Thompson, and Harlene Hatterman-Valenti. Other committee members represented the University of Minnesota, Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, USDA-ARS Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center, North Dakota State Seed Department and industry partners. Robinson, Secor and Thompson served as co-chairs.

Scientists attending the meeting presented more than 70 research papers and posters on potato breeding and genetics; plant protection; physiology; and Extension, production and management. A breakout Extension, Production and Management Symposium highlighted “Decision Support Tools and Technologies for the Potato Industry,” and the Global Outreach Committee invited guest speaker Tarun Gangwai, who presented “A Perspective of Potato in India: Past, Present and Future” at the Fargo Theatre July 24.

A barbecue catered by NDSU Carnivore Catering and live auction to benefit the Frank Haynes Graduate Student PAA Endowment Fund was held at Bonanzaville in West Fargo July 25. During the live auction, McCain Foods purchased and gifted to the NDSU potato research team a quilt created and donated by Carol and Don Halseth. The quilt will be displayed in Loftsgard Hall.

The next annual meeting is set for July 22-26, 2018, in Boise, Idaho. Photographs from the meeting can be found online.

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