July 6, 2009

North Central Research Extension Center field day set for July 15


NDSU’s North Central Research Extension Center near Minot will hold its 65th annual field day events July 15. The program will begin with refreshments at 9 a.m., followed by a welcome from center director Jay Fisher.

The morning field tour will start at 9:30 a.m. and will cover barley, durum, hard red spring wheat, oat and winter wheat production and aid seeder openers. The afternoon field tour, which starts at 1 p.m., will include cover crops, diseases in broadleaf crops and cereal grains, insect updates and weed control.

Speakers will include NDSU plant breeders, North Central Research Extension Center faculty and Extension Service specialists.

Lunch will be provided at noon.

This year's program also will include a pest diagnostic clinic and water quality screening for private water supplies. Participants are welcome to bring plant samples or insect specimens for the pest diagnostic clinic.

Anyone wanting water tested for nitrates, total dissolved solids, pH (acidity or alkalinity) and hardness should collect samples in any 15 to 20 ounce clean plastic bottle and bring them to the field day.

Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories also is offering to test water for a coliform group of microorganisms that includes E. coli. Roxanne Johnson, NDSU Extension Service water quality associate, will have sterile bottles for people to take home to collect the sample and then send it to the Minnesota Valley Testing's laboratory in Bismarck. The cost for this test is $8 and will be collected when people pick up the sterile bottle from Johnson at the field day.

For more information about field day events, contact the North Central Research Extension Center at (701) 857-7679.

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