New data and projects in organic farming research will be presented by leading researchers and farmers from across the U.S. at the inaugural Dickinson Research Extension Center Organic Farming Field Day on Tuesday, July 14, at the Dickinson Research Extension Center.
The Dickinson Research Extension Center initiated NDSU’s organic farming research in 2003 when it dedicated a 10-acre tract of land to certified organic management protocols. Pat Carr, agronomist, has directed organic research as one part of the center's agronomy program. Carr has closely worked with other scientists at NDSU and across the country. Presenters from Montana, Iowa, Pennsylvania and more will be on the program.
Organic research acreage at the Dickinson Research Extension Center has expanded because of the need to serve agriculture. “We have an obligation first and foremost to all of the producers in the state; that's all the producers, conventional as well as organic," Carr says. "All of what we learn in organic farming research we conduct at Dickinson has applications to organic as well as conventional producers."
A short history of organic farm research in North Dakota will begin the program, followed by a presentation on no-till organic farming from Iowa State University organic specialist Kathleen Delate.
Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin, will provide data on organic vegetable research. Frank Kutka, assistant director of the Dickinson Research Extension Center, and organic grower Pat Frank will provide information on a project using a roller crimper instead of tillage for green manures.
North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education coordinator Bill Wilke will present information on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. Kutka will provide information on the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education's farmer grant program.
Delate, one of six presenters in the afternoon workshops, will provide data obtained from long-term organic farming research. Joining Delate are Jeff Moyer of the Rodale Institute; Paul Porter and Carmen Fernholz from the University of Minnesota; Bob Quinn, an organic farmer from Montana; Mark Rentz from the University of Wisconsin; and Steve Zwinger from NDSU.
They will present on topics such as tips on no-till organic farming, dryland organic farming, controlling Canada thistle and field bindweed, crop variety selection and organic farming in wet conditions.
Kutka says the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society will host its annual summer symposium in conjunction with the field day. Members of the Organic Crop Improvement Association's North Dakota Chapter 1 also will have their summer meeting in association with the event.
"There will be a delegation of agency and farm representatives from Mexico, business representatives from Canada and attendees from as far east as Pennsylvania and Vermont," Kutka says. "A strong contingent of organic and conventional producers from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana also are expected."
In addition to the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society, other partners of the field day include Iowa State University, Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service, North Dakota Department of Agriculture, NDSU, Organic Crop Improvement Association Inc. North Dakota Chapter 1, Rodale Institute, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin and U.S. Department of Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.
Registration is free and requested. To register or get more information, contact the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society at (701) 883-4304 or e-mail Information also is available by contacting the Dickinson Research Extension Center at (701) 483-2348.
July 13, 2009