Oct. 10, 2017

EXPLORE Showcase set for Nov. 1


The NDSU EXPLORE Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 1, in the NDSU Memorial Union. Renowned educator and author Mahesh Daas is set to be the keynote speaker.

Daas, dean of the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Kansas, is scheduled to present “An Inconvenient Education for an Uncertain Future” at 8:30 a.m. in the Memorial Union Great room. Daas will detail select organizational and educational models of experiential/design pedagogy and research that engage undergraduate students in knowledge creation, entrepreneurship and leadership aimed at developing self-actualized individuals who can innovate under conditions of uncertainty.

Daas’ latest book, “Towards a Robotic Architecture,” defines robotics research in architecture on Earth and Mars. He earned his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India; his master’s degree in urban design from Kansas State University; and his doctorate in higher education management from the University of Pennsylvania.

The annual NDSU EXPLORE event brings together students from all disciplines to present their research and creative work in posters, oral presentations or other formats. All NDSU undergraduate students are eligible to participate in the NDSU EXPLORE Showcase. Students are reminded to register to present their projects.

“NDSU EXPLORE was initiated in 2014 to provide a universitywide platform for our undergraduate students to showcase their research and scholarly activities,” said Kelly A. Rusch, vice president for research and creative activity. “However, four years later, NDSU EXPLORE has become so much more. It really has become a venue for NDSU to highlight the important role and value that research plays in the educational process of our students.”

NDSU EXPLORE is administered by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Creative Activity and advised by a committee comprised of faculty and staff from the academic colleges, libraries and student activities office.

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