Aug. 18, 2009

NDSU Mortar Board chapter receives national award


The NDSU Senior Staff chapter was among several outstanding chapters honored for their excellence at the 2009 Mortar Board National Conference, held July 24-26. 

The group was one of 67 outstanding chapters to receive the Silver Torch Award, which is presented to chapters executing timeliness and dedication while exemplifying the ideals of scholarship, leadership and service. Silver Torch Award recipients are selected based on a review of national records, requiring that the chapter meet all of the national minimum standards and deadlines. 

NDSU chapter president Landon Johnson was present to accept the chapter’s award.

Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. Since its founding in 1918, the organization has grown from the four founding chapters to 227 chartered collegiate chapters with nearly 250,000 initiated members across the nation. The Senior Staff chapter at NDSU was chartered in 1964 and currently has 17 members.

Mortar Board provides opportunities for continued leadership development, promotes service to colleges and universities and encourages lifelong contributions to the global community. Some notable Mortar Board members include former President Jimmy Carter, distinguished politician Condoleezza Rice and former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.


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