Jan. 10, 2018

Crop varieties released


The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station released new crop varieties ND17009GT soybean, ND Benson soybean, ND Stutsman soybean, ND VitPro spring wheat, ND Grano durum and ND Riveland durum in 2017. Lang-MN spring wheat was released by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. The new soybean and spring wheat varieties were distributed for the first time by the North Dakota County Seed Increase Program in spring 2017. The durum varieties will be distributed in spring 2018.

For further information regarding foundation or registered seed availability of these or other varieties, contact a county agent of the NDSU Extension Service, an NDSU Research Extension Center or the North Dakota Foundation Seedstocks Program.

ND17009GT was developed by the soybean breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of project leader Ted Helms. It is a glyphosate resistant soybean variety with relative maturity 00.9. It performed very well in trials across North Dakota and also in the Multi-State Uniform Regional Test. It is resistant to race 4 of phytophthora root rot and has moderate tolerance to iron-deficiency chlorosis. ND17009GT has white flower color, tawny pubescence, brown pods, shiny seed coat luster and black hila.

Development of this variety was made possible through funds provided by the North Dakota Soybean Council.

ND Benson was developed by the soybean breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of Helms. ND Benson is not resistant to glyphosate, has high yield potential and 0.4 relative maturity. It is intended to replace Ashtabula. ND Benson has excellent resistance to soybean cyst nematode and is resistant to races 3 and 4 of phytophthora root rot. This new variety also has tolerance to iron-deficiency chlorosis and is not prone to lodging. ND Benson has white flower color, gray pubescence, tan pods, dull seed coat luster and buff hila.

Development of this variety was made possible through funds provided by the North Dakota Soybean Council.

ND Stutsman was developed by the soybean breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of Helms. ND Stutsman is not resistant to glyphosate, has high yield potential and 0.7 relative maturity. It performed very well in trials across North Dakota and also in the Multi-State Uniform Regional Test. ND Stutsman is resistant to race 3 of phytophthora root rot. This new variety also has tolerance to iron-deficiency chlorosis and is not prone to lodging. ND Stutsman has purple flower color, gray pubescence, brown pods, dull seed coat luster and yellow hila.

Development of this variety was made possible through funds provided by the North Dakota Soybean Council.

ND Grano was developed by the durum breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of project leader Elias Elias. It has high yield potential, good quality and low cadmium uptake. It performed well in the Uniform Regional Durum Nursery and has good yield potential across the state of North Dakota. It has similar yield to Carpio and performed well in Minot.

ND Grano has very good test weight, large kernels, medium maturity, medium resistance to leaf disease and good straw strength. Compared with Carpio and Joppa, ND Grano has higher test weight, smaller kernel size and similar height. Fusarium head blight disease severity of ND Grano is similar to Joppa.

ND Riveland was developed by the durum breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of Elias. It has high yield potential, good quality and low cadmium uptake. ND Riveland performed well in the Uniform Regional Durum Nursery and has good yield potential across the state of North Dakota. It had higher yield than all the cultivars tested in the variety trials across North Dakota and performed well in Williston.

ND Riveland has very good test weight, large kernels, medium maturity, medium resistance to leaf disease and good straw strength. Compared with Carpio and Joppa, it is taller, has higher test weight and larger kernel size. Fusarium head blight disease severity of ND Riveland was the lowest among all cultivars tested.

ND VitPro was developed by the hard red spring wheat breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of project leader Andrew Green. ND VitPro is widely adapted to the North Dakota spring wheat region. It has improved straw strength over recent NDSU varieties. Plant height of ND VitPro is similar to Faller and Prosper. ND VitPro has medium early maturity similar to Barlow. ND VitPro has high grain protein that is comparable with Linkert. Test weight is also high, most similar to Glenn. Overall, ND VitPro has outstanding kernel and milling traits. Vitreous kernel percentage of ND VitPro was higher than all entries in statewide tests, including Glenn.

ND VitPro is moderately resistant to all prevailing races of stem rust and has moderate scab resistance, most similar to Glenn. ND VitPro shows good adult plant resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust, most similar to Linkert.

Lang-MN was developed by the hard red spring wheat breeding program at the University of Minnesota. Lang-MN combines yield, quality and disease resistance. Lang-MN is a medium maturity variety that has yielded very well in Minnesota and regional testing. Lang-MN has a good combination of overall disease resistance, including very good ratings for Fusarium head blight and Bacterial leaf streak, and excellent ratings for leaf rust and stripe rust. Lang-MN has high protein, very good test weight, and is resistant to pre-harvest sprouting.

To help ensure genetic purity of these new varieties, they will be protected under Plant Variety Protection Title V and must be sold as a class of certified seed.

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