Ann W. Braaten, assistant professor of apparel, design and hospitality management, participated in a Fabric and Fiber Festival, titled “Quilt Journeys,” on Oct. 3. The Journey Stories committee from Ellendale, N.D., invited her to be part of the event.
Braaten gave a presentation titled “Recounting Journeys through Textiles.” It featured family stories that were included with donations to the Emily Reynolds Historic Costume Collection at NDSU.
Journey Stories is a Museum on Main Street project of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. The exhibit will be at the Ellendale Opera House from Jan. 25 to March 14.
Braaten also presented “A Company Revealed Through Its Patterns: Hastings Needle Work: 1888-1923” at the Costume Society of America’s Midwest Region Symposium, Oct. 9-10, at the International Quilt Study Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Her presentation was based on her archival research at the Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn., and highlighted what patterns reveal about business, design process, product size and communication with workers and customers.