Dec. 10, 2009

NDSU Web site addresses corn production problems


NDSU has created a Web site to help corn producers cope with this year’s crop. The Corn Management 2009 Web site is at


“This year’s poor growing conditions resulted in corn is creating many challenges for producers and grain handlers,” says Ken Hellevang, agricultural engineer with the NDSU Extension Service. “Some of the issues are mold, high moisture, kernel discoloration while drying, and low test weight. Farmers are faced with harvest, storage, drying and market options.”

The Web site contains information about corn molds and links to other information, including how to minimize heat damage while drying corn, using organic acids to preserve wet corn, how to obtain accurate corn moisture content measurements, protecting farm and elevator workers from the effects of moldy corn on the respiratory system, how to store wet corn, turning wet or frost-damaged corn into silage and the effects of crop quality concerns on the corn market.

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