June 18, 2019

Dickinson Research Extension Center Field Day set for July 10


Weed management will be among the topics presented during the annual summer

field day July 10 at North Dakota State University's Dickinson Research

Extension Center.

The program begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. at the center's headquarters

in Dickinson.

Field day topics and presenters are:

·     Acidic soils, what are the options - Chris Augustin, NDSU Extension soil

health specialist at the North Central Research Extension Center (NCREC) and

Ryan Buetow, Extension cropping system specialist, DREC

·     Potassium management in western North Dakota -- John Breker, Agvise

Laboratories, Inc. soil scientist

·     North Dakota's beneficial insects and pollinators -- Travis Prochaska,

Extension cropping systems specialist, NCREC 

·     Weed management update -- Joe Ikley, NDSU Extension weed specialist

·     Precision weed management -- John Nowatzki, NDSU Extension ag machines


There also will be a cereal production workshop after the field day from 1-3


Ryan Buetow, along with Andrew Friskop, Extension plant pathologist and Joel

Ransom, Extension agronomist, will cover production and disease management of

small grains. Producers also will be able to view weeds and talk with presenters

at a weed identification table.


For more information about the field day, contact Buetow, who is coordinating

the event, at 701-456-1106 or ryan.buetow@ndsu.edu.

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