Jan. 21, 2010

FORWARD to offer mentoring workshops


NDSU ADVANCE FORWARD is sponsoring a series of mentoring workshops Thursday, Feb. 11, by Mary Deane Sorcinelli, associate provost for faculty development and associate professor of educational policy and research administration at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Sorcinelli’s workshops will address the emergence of new, more flexible models of faculty mentoring. Instead of the traditional one-on-one mentoring, attendees will participate in interactive sessions that will examine more flexible mentoring approaches such as multiple mentors, constellations of mentors, networks of mentors or a portfolio of mentors. Participants will explore what mentoring in academia meant to them and how their experiences can help mold an ideal mentoring network for faculty at various stages of their academic career.

Under Sorcinelli's leadership, the Center for Teaching at the University of Massachusetts was cited as one of the top four Model Faculty Development Programs in the U.S. and Canada (2006), was awarded a 2002 Innovation Award from the Professional and Organizational Development Network and a 2000 Hesburgh Award for Faculty Development to Enhance Undergraduate Teaching and Learning.

Deans, academic vice presidents, department chairs and heads and faculty are invited to view Sorcinelli’s schedule and register on the FORWARD Web site and register for her workshops at www.ndsu.edu/FORWARD. Faculty mentors and mentees are especially encouraged to attend.

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