Jan. 28, 2010

Grant proposal transmittal form revised


NDSU Sponsored Programs Administration has revised the proposal transmittal form in order to accommodate new FY 2010 reporting requirements contained in the Higher Education Research and Development Survey conducted by the National Science Foundation. The “Purpose Type” on the form has been expanded in order to specify the type of research being conducted. Note the new categories of Research-Basic, Research-Applied and Research-Development. Definitions of each new research category are included in the proposal transmittal form instructions.

Effective immediately, the Jan. 21 version of the proposal transmittal form is required for all proposals. As of Feb. 1, proposals submitted without the Jan. 21 version of the form will be returned and the Jan. 21 version of the form will need to be submitted to Sponsored Programs Administration for signatures. The NDSU proposal transmittal form is located at www.ndsu.edu/research/spa/form.php.

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