Kevin Black and Shawn Affolter were elected NDSU student body president and vice president during student voting April 6-7. They ran on a campaign platform of “Academics, Community and Engagement.”
Black and Affolter received 1,164 votes, while the ticket of Ripon Roy Chowdhury and Judi Novotny garnered 617 votes and the slate of Justin Sherlock and Robert Vallie received 438 votes.
Black is a senior in industrial engineering and management from Grand Forks, N.D. He has served as vice chair of the NDSU Student Senate and is a member of Blue Key National Honor Society and Bison Ambassadors. He is active in the North Dakota Students Association and State Board of Higher Education Academic Affairs Council. He is the son of Ken and Bonnie Black of Grand Forks.
Affolter is a senior majoring in economics and political science. From Mandan, N.D., he has been active in student government for three years. He has participated in the North Dakota Student Association, North Dakota Governor’s Youth Council, Blue Key National Honor Society and Students Today Leaders Forever. He is the son of Dean and Alvina Affolter of Mandan.
A total of 2,248 votes were cast in the election, representing 16.6 percent of eligible students.