May 12, 2010

Staff Senate elects officers


NDSU Staff Senate has elected Kris Mickelson, assistant director of TRIO programs and project director for Upward Bound, as the group’s president for the coming year. She was elected during Staff Senate’s organizational meeting on May 5.

“I am very excited to serve as NDSU’s Staff Senate president, and continue as a voice and team member for the NDSU community,” Mickelson said. “I look forward to a productive and exciting year as Staff Senate prepares to participate in the transition of the new university president, while continuing our support of students and faculty in a progressive campus environment.”

Elections for numerous other positions also were held, including the selection of president-elect Laura Dallmann and treasurer Kathy Backen-Andersen.

Elected as members-at-large to the Executive Committee were LaDonna DeGeldere, Matt Chaussee and Bruce Sundeen. The Council of State Employees representative will be Natalie Leer.

Elected to serve as NDSU representatives in the North Dakota University System Staff Senate are Backen-Andersen and DeGeldere. Elected to serve on University Senate were Chaussee, Amy Brown and Wendy Clarin.

Representing staff on the Campus Space and Facilities Committee will be Chad Lindberg. Jeri Vaudrin will serve on the Library Committee. Erika Beseler-Thompson is the university athletics representative for staff and Lorna Olsen was elected staff representative on IT Council.

Staff Senate also welcomed new senators Janis Bork, Megan Paradis, Mary Sinner, Lindberg, Robert Barclay, Debra Haney, April Moser, Marilyn Dowdy, Paula Schneider, Amanda Lindseth, Lynn Ehlen, CeCe Rohwedder, Cole Davidson, Anna Sheppard, Carol Jergenson, Jennifer Beam, Vince Anderson and Pamela Nielsen.

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