RSVP ConnectsU is an invitation that connects the community with affordable, educational classes and travel opportunities. ConnectsU is a new initiative of RSVP+ North Dakota that offers programs in conjunction with NDSU Distance and Continuing Education. The program was created to enhance and enrich the lives of RSVP+ volunteers and their community.
ConnectsU launched the Growing Gardeners Project on May 25, a hands-on educational gardening series for beginners who want to experience garden startup, maintenance and harvest with help from expert gardeners. The Growing Gardeners Project takes place on Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Participants pay $25 per person for the series and $50 for the rain barrel material fee. Participants are welcome and encouraged to join.
Educational tours also will be offered through ConnectsU. “Discover North Dakota: Energy – Horsepower and Kilowatts,” a North Dakota energy learning tour that explores wind, coal, natural gas and oil refining operations will be July 12-14. Merrill Peipkorn, host of Hear It Now on Prairie Public Radio, will be the guest host. Registration is due June 11. The cost is $389 per person based on double occupancy, $359 per person based on triple occupancy, $329 per person based on quadruple occupancy or $489 per person based on single occupancy.
For more information or to register for any RSVP+ ConnectsU activity, visit or contact Mary Beth Simmer at 1-5654 or by e-mail at