June 24, 2010

Northern Crops Institute holds short course


Fourteen participants from Brazil, Japan, Taiwan and U.S. attended “Basics of Wheat and Flour Quality,” a short course offered by Northern Crops Institute June 15-17. They learned how wheat type and quality affect the milling and baking processes.

“This year’s course has attracted participants from the U.S. and overseas,” says Brian Sorenson, NCI director. “A five-member delegation from Taiwan attended the course, sponsored by U.S. Wheat Associates. Ron Lu, country director for U.S. Wheat Associates Taiwan, escorted the group.

“It’s exciting to have them here because it’s another opportunity for us to showcase the quality of our crops, especially the hard red spring and durum wheat that we produce in this region, and help them understand more about how our wheat is analyzed for quality, both kernel quality and grading factors, as well as the flour and baking qualities,” concludes Sorenson.

The course included lectures, hands-on baking, and laboratory and milling demonstrations. Speakers demonstrated Flourscan technology, dumatherm protein analysis, TA-XT Plus, C-Cell technology and traditional testing technology.

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