North Dakota State University's no smoking policy, Section 153, takes effect March 1. Previously, the university prohibited smoking within 50 feet of a building. Now campus is smoke free.
The emphasis will be on education and respect for the campus and others. The idea is to create a climate of self enforcement of the rule. Signs will be put up on campus and cards explaining the rule are being prepared to handout.
Student Government is working with the College of Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Sciences, and the Wellness Education Leaders to offer informational sessions. Ty Patterson from the Center of Excellence for a Tobacco Free Policy from Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, Mo., will be on campus in early March to lead discussion and provide training on implementing the smoke free campus policy.
NDSU President Richard A. Hanson said: "With a smoke-free campus, NDSU sends a strong message that it will take appropriate steps to ensure a healthy environment in which to learn, work and conduct research. We have carefully studied this issue and surveyed our campus community. Students, faculty and staff told us second-hand smoke is an important issue for them, and we took action.
"We want to emphasize education - NDSU provides free, accessible tobacco cessation programming to our students and employees.
"We are asking smokers to respect the wishes and health of others by not smoking while on the NDSU campus. Self-enforcement will be the key to this policy's success."