NDSU department chairs, deans who are recruiting department chair positions and the director of the ND EPSCoR-designated State Research Initiative (SRI) are invited to submit proposals requesting start-up funds for tenure-track research faculty to be hired during FY2012.
Proposals are due in the ND EPSCoR office prior to noon on Dec. 14. Interviews with an external review committee will be held mid-January. Complete submission information can be found at www.ndepscor.nodak.edu/rfps/index.htm.
The major goal of the program is to staff research-intensive universities with new faculty who will be nationally competitive for grants from federal agency research programs in science, engineering and mathematics.
For questions, contact David R. Givers, co-project director, at 1-7516 or david.givers@ndsu.edu or Elizabeth Jung at 1-1048 orelizabeth.jung@ndsu.edu.