Jan. 12, 2011

NDSU Archives Flickr site gains attention


A website featuring photographs from the earliest days of NDSU to the present has been a resounding success. Since uploading the NDSU University Archives Flickr historical website in July, the site received more than 22,000 hits through December.

The website, which can be visited at www.flickr.com/photos/ndsu-university-archives/collections, originally featured 16 NDAC/NDSU buildings and has grown to include five full collections of photographs.

“The original NDSU University Archives online exhibits were created by a number of digital formats over the years, so additions and corrections were no longer possible,” explained Michael J. Robinson, archivist. “I contacted Karen Bjork, digital initiatives librarian, and she began to look for a new digital format to present historically important and interesting exhibits about North Dakota Agricultural College and NDSU.”

“I chose Flickr because I wanted to find a new way to showcase the University Archives images and interact with users. Flickr allows users to add context and their own stories to images if they desire,” said Bjork, noting Flickr is used by numerous universities in the United States and overseas, as well as the National Archives and Records Administration, Library of Congress and New York Public Library.

 The five collections on the website include:

            • NDAC/SU Buildings/Monuments: 72 buildings/monuments displayed

            • NDAC/SU Presidents: all 23 acting, interim and sitting presidents featured

            • Athletics: one set of women’s athletics photographs

            • Dances: one set of NDAC/NDSU dance pictures

            • Plays: two sets mounted; 1914-1950s and 1960-1980

The NDSU University Archives Flickr site is considered a work in progress and will continue to grow as more sets and collections are added. For additional information, contact Robinson at michael.robinson@ndsu.edu or 1-1017 or Bjork at karen.bjork@ndsu.edu or 1-7288.

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